Becoming a Jew

Watching the Oscars tonight, Heather and I basically agreed upon something we’d both thought a lot about in recent years…becoming Jews.  Blood is a factor, the generations of people who came before us, toiled and suffered, so we could have the freedom to belong to the same church as they did.  It matters, it truly does, though I am related to 5 of the Pilgrims, the reason they came here has more to do with this decision than the religion they aimed to freely practice. 

Exodus has always been my favorite book of the bible.  Slaves breaking free and God sticking up for them.  Bad people suffer for doing the same to good people.  There’s a force at play, and the role of this force isn’t to decide who goes to heaven or hell, but instead to even up the odds and ensure that bad doesn’t always triumph over good.  Your definition of good and bad of course, is your own.

There’s all that psychological, theological, igoligolical noise, but there’s also a natural attraction in terms of this uncanny urge to cut loose and laugh at oneself every so often.  We all deserve it…every last one of us!

So, long story short, I’ve been on – perhaps Jesus and I will believe in the same religion by this time next year…I like to call him “JC”, we’re good like that. 

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