Retards Inc.


The caption says it all…

Seriously now, fess up…who here watches this channel and why? 

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7 Responses to Retards Inc.

  1. Washington says:

    I don’t watch that channel. In fact I don’t watch cable news nor network news. All far too idiotic for me.

  2. Wisenheimer says:

    Heh, I remember in the army, Fox News was one of the few channels provided free by the military. No joking.

    But I have removed it from my TiVo. I never watch it anymore. If I absolutely must know what is going on in the Holloway case, I turn to CNN or MSNBC.

  3. Chris Austin says:

    Here Here! Good man Washington! Getting the scoop from cable news is like eating McDonalds every day. It’ll kill you from the inside out.

  4. karl says:

    I saw a movie awhile back where a guy got all his news from weekly world news and the enquirer. I have feeling getting all your news from Faux would probably be worse.

  5. Paul says:

    Goodness is there a modicum of agreement here Chris? Will wonders never cease? 🙂

  6. Chris Austin says:

    In ‘So I Married an Axe Murderer?” – Mike Myers’ mother refers to the Weekly World News as ‘the paper’.

    When I worked in a photo-mat, I’d read that every week.

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