Chris Penn – RIP


This picture is Chris playing ‘Nice Guy Eddie’ in Resevoir Dogs, my favorite character of his.  ‘Overshaddowed by his brother Sean’ is a line you’ll see in many articles on his death, but those writers don’t know what they’re talking about.  Here are a list of my Chris Penn favorites. 

At Close Range, All the Right Moves, True Romance, Rumble Fish, The Funeral

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3 Responses to Chris Penn – RIP

  1. Wisenheimer says:

    I wrote about this at my own blog. Crappy.

  2. Paul says:

    May God bless him.

  3. Chris Austin says:

    Paul-Wisenheimer, Thanks! I kept the front page clear in honor of Penn’s death. My mother was over Tuesday night and yesterday morning, and so the news was on my TV (something that never happens, rarely is the thing on before the kids go to sleep)…they used a file photo of Penn that looked horrible, and…I don’t want to get into it, but they didn’t do him any favors.

    There’s nothing I appreciate more than the artist who zips under the radar and is more tallented than some whose publicists work harder than their agents.

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