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14 Responses to BEND-BUT-DON’T-BREAK

  1. Chris Austin says:

    That pass interference call on Samuel was big time bullshit!

  2. Wisenheimer says:

    Just turned the game on so I didn’t see the play. Some good entertainment for a Saturday evening, if there isn’t going to be a hot blonde gobbling on my knob.

    Good to see you using more pics in your blog entires.

  3. karl says:

    The pass intereference call was pretty bad. Sometimes I think the games are fixxed. Oh well it is good for business, I better get back to work.

    have a good night

  4. Chris Austin says:

    KARL!!! Thought we’d never see you again. Congrats on the win…looks like I picked the wrong night to stop drinking tequilla.

    The turnovers did it. We had full control of the game in the second half, but shot ourselves in the foot over and over and over again. That’s a hell of a team you’ve got there in Denver. Not every day you see a punter force a fumble!

    It was very painfull to watch…but all my years as a Red Sox fan prepared me well for these times. I’m going to take my medicine in the form of writing…from now until my eyelids get heavy.

    Glad to hear from you again karl!

  5. Paul says:

    Sorry for your loss Chris ! New England doesn’t have the chops this year – as I predicted. genius coach or no you have to have the players bro !!

  6. Chris Austin says:

    I don’t see what was different from last year, besides the loss of Rodney Harrison. They did turn the ball over 5 times.

  7. karl says:

    You have to admire a punter who was suspended for steroid use.

    It is hard to tell if the Broncos are good or if the Pats just had a bad night. Next week should tell. I work at a bar and last night was probably the best night that I have ever had in terms of tips, I hope they win next week as I could use the money.

    I will have to get caught up on politics and post more often. Everytime I check this place you seem to be holding your own against the conservative hoards. Even though you are outnumbered you have the facts on your side.

    Take care

  8. Eric says:

    bad call on the PI…never like to see it happen…oh well, chris now you can root for MIAMI!!!

  9. Chris Austin says:

    Miami – yea…um, you know I’ve been saying for years now that Brady is no good, and finally everyone can see what I was talking about all that time. And Bellichek might as well throw in the towell at this point, he’s been a disaster in New England…

    Man it hurts, it still does. Miami though…I don’t know Eric, my skin burns easy. I only mention this becuase every time the Patriots play a game, I meditate in this sound-proof room on a straw matt…after a little while I’m able to see the white light and leave my body. From there I hop inside the vessel and astrally project myself to the game. Last night I was hovering over Champ Bailey the entire time he was running towards the endzone.

    I kept whispering into his ear, “why are you running so hard? nobody’s gonna catch you.”

    Now, since I was wearing only boxer shorts and a t-shirt, I had to go back to my body early due to the cold. If I had to astrally project myself down to Florida 10+ times a year, my skin would blister and peel.

    Tempting…but I’m Scandanavian…my people go fishing underwater in the winter, our motto “chicks love a man whose not afraid of ice-water”. It’s in my blood.

    Man this sucks!

    Eric, nice to hear from you…can I share your nuptual story w/ the deadissue players?

  10. Paul says:

    Bellichek needs to call up Phil Jackson. I predicted Texas would win the college championship . Now who will win the NFL title? Hummm?

  11. Chris Austin says:


    What do you think?

    Texas came through – the lateral should have been called. What’s with the piss poor officiating lately? Polomalu’s interception being reversed upstairs was about the fishiest thing I’ve ever witnessed.

    Did someone up top in the NFL REALLY want Peyton to win one?

  12. Paul says:

    Chris why are you crying so much friend. If you win you win and if you lose accept it bro !!

  13. Eric says:


    funny stuff man…brady is terrible!! here’s my prediction…billichick resigns and makes mangini the head coach! i know, it was a tough loss, but it happens…everything goes in cycles..including sports…if you remember the 49ers were a great team at one point..haven’t herd much from them in the last 10 yrs though!

    so yea…root for MIAMI!

    If you would like to share the story please feel free…its a great story…let me know when you put it up…don’t know if i will see you before the wedding…but i do know we are gonna have some fun…give me a call sometime…later.

  14. Chris Austin says:

    PAUL – You misunderstood, I was referring to the Steelers-Colts game, where in the second half, safety Troy Polomalu was double routing in zone coverage and almost picked Manning twice, and then on a crucial 3rd down w/ the Colts backed up, he does come up with the pick, hits the ground, rolls twice, and comes up. When he hits his feet, he looses control of the ball and falls back on it.

    Everyone on the telecast thought the booth reversing it was impossible, because he had control and made a football move, but the NFL guy up there fliped it anyway! Boomer in the post game show even said something to the effect of: “I don’t care what the NFL thinks, that was the wrong call, and Pittsburgh DESERVED to win that game.”

    If it was a call on the field, I can always understand, we’re all human…but for the guy upstairs to make that call was SUPER fishy!

    I’m over the Pats loss…thouroughly enjoyed the two games from yesterday!

    Seriously…growing up a Red Sox fan, my first year watching was 1986. I’ve prepared my whole life for this!

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