Bush Administration Launched Secret Smear Campaign on Murtha

Came across this tonight, and it made sense as there hasn’t been a military commander yet who has come out against the congressman.

The Bush Administration first attacked Rep. Murtha for his Iraq views by associating him with the filmmaker Michael Moore and Representative Jean Schmidt likened him to a coward on the floor of the House of Representatives. When those tactics backfired, Dick Cheney called Murtha “A good man, a marine, a patriot and he’s taking a clear stand in an entirely legitimate discussion.” Though the White House has backed off publicly, administration officials have nevertheless recently made calls to military leaders to condemn the congressman. So far they have refused.


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3 Responses to Bush Administration Launched Secret Smear Campaign on Murtha

  1. Frodo says:

    This is interesting. It is very early in the news cycle on this report and I can find nothing on Google or Google news about it. But it will unfold I am sure. As they say in the article “Unfolding…”.

    What I would like to bring up is some other opinions about Murtha, and Moran, that were expressed by some people recently. You will not hear about this from the NYT or on the nightly news. they have a slightly different opinion on the state of things in Iraq and the morale of the troops issue. Both the comments made and the responses to them are interting but judge for yourself.




  2. right thinker says:

    Came across this tonight, and it made sense as there hasn’t been a military commander yet who has come out against the congressman.

    They can’t since Congressmen have great power over the careers of military people.

    Though the White House has backed off publicly, administration officials have nevertheless recently made calls to military leaders to condemn the congressman. So far they have refused.

    HIGHLY doubtfull this story is close to true. Maybe the military leaders refused because Murtha and other defeatocrats would ruin them for telling the truth. Now that makes much more sense.

  3. Chris Austin says:

    Hence the reason I took it off of the front page early this morning. I couldn’t sleep, came across this, and tried to double source it AFTER I had already posted it.

    Bravo to the both of you for calling me out on it!

    In my mind this is speculation, and surely should not have shown up here in the way it did.

    You guys are right on this one…for now. If this gets traction and is confirmed, I wouldn’t be surprised. They tried to smear him initially, and the backlash convinced them to play nice.

    Murtha correctly states that Iraq is in the throes of a civil war as of right now. That’s a fact.

    No acknowledgement of this fact will come from the Bush administration, but according to the dictionary, a civil war is EXACTALLY what’s talking place in Iraq.

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