Abramoff Pleads Guilty

Expect a few more open seats come election time 2006. Harry Reid and Byron Dorgan are the only two Democrats on watch right now that I know of (Harkin possibly as well). On the other side of the asile it’s Blunt, Delay, Ney, Doolittle, Cornyn, Cochran, Cantor, Burns, Ensign, Feeley, Grassley, Hassert, Hayworth, Lott, Istook, Sessions, Vitter, Wicker…

Then you’ve also got the right-wing special interests and think tanks wraped up in this. Ralph Reed is the the person of note for me on this score, because he took money that came from gambling, hypocrite!

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21 Responses to Abramoff Pleads Guilty

  1. Paul says:

    Chris they are ALL innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Have you already convicted them ?

  2. Chris Austin says:

    Sure, but Duke Cunningham, Abramoff and a few others have already pleaded guilty. Delay and Ney are going down, and we’ll see how far the web spreads out.

    Corruption should offend us all. Millions of dollars get shot around all over the place, to the detriment of America as a whole.

    Now I know full well that even if 10 Republican Congressmen end up in jail from all of this, the GOP will continue to claim the moral high ground.

  3. right thinker says:

    Chris they are ALL innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Have you already convicted them ?

    I think this only applies to Democrats…

    This Abramoff guy is pretty sleazy and I’ll be glad when he’s gone. He’s bad for politics in general, not just the 62% of repulican interests he supported but for the 38% of liberal interests also.

    I will say that receiving a campaign contribution isn’t illegal so just because one or two persons traded votes for money doesn’t mean they all did it. Bush doesn’t need to donate his contributions from Abramoff to charity but I can see why he’s doing it.

    Corruption should offend us all. Millions of dollars get shot around all over the place, to the detriment of America as a whole.

    I’m very offended by Kennedy, Kerry, Schumer and Byrd but corruption does offend me in general. I’ll be glad when this Abramoff guy is long gone. I wonder how many Democrats will fall because of this, they have a long history of shady fiancial deals. We just lost a bunch of city/county democrats to votes for cash deals.

  4. Frodo says:

    A good summary here.

    Captain’s Quarter Blog (Frodo’s Link)

    A good way to prevent this is needed and it takes two logical step. (1) Investigation and then (2) accountability. You can not have one without the other. I want all who are guilty to go to jail. No plea bargons just jail time. Both sides are involved in this so is it too naive of me to think it might actually happen this time around? Yeah I thought so. Welcome to the US politcal landscape. We elected these people, Democrats and Republicans alike. It is time to clean house and start over. In my opinion it could not get any worse. And our enemies, terriorists, sit and laugh and see opertunity. I fear for this country.

  5. Chris Austin says:

    “I fear for this country” – quote from Frodo’s excerpt from captainsblog.

    Maybe I’m crazy, but the terrorists will never take down this country. They blew up our financial center, and here we are today, going to work just like before.

    The idea that fear is an exceptable response to the threat of terrorism is entirely false. When a politician or commentator leverages fear to make their point…well, what did the President say after 9/11? If we continue to live our lives in fear, THE TERRORISTS WIN.

    Because they’re dust mites in comparison to the greatness of our country!

    I’m not scared, and I never will be. Likewise, fear of terrorism isn’t going to determine who I vote for either.

  6. Frodo says:

    That was not an excerpt but that is not important. I guess I have to learn how to use the XHTML tags so you can tell when I am quoting and when I am not.

    Ask anyone who lost someone 9/11 or anyone laid off from the airline industry how much effect the terrorists had on the mighty US and its economy. Those dust mites caused some trouble and we have not yet even begun to pay the bill for the war effort. Our children I fear will end up with that burden.

    Before you bury Bush for that choice understand how strong I feel that it was the right thing to do. Take the fight to them, on their turf and do not stop until they are defeated. The last part is the part the Democrats have missed on. But I digress. Fight them on their land with the best, technology and manpower force in the world and defeat them.

    The capture of Bin Laden and the killing of 1,000’s of terrorists will not win this war. It is a war for the hearts and minds of the public more than any other I have seen. This will take a long time like the cold war did to be able to declare a victory. The negative press and defeatist Democrats are helping the enemy win that part of the war and why I see this as the greatest danger now and why I destest you and the poeple who support it. The culture or demands of instant gratification in our society has made us think we should be done by now with the war on terror. I think we only just begun. Because of our information glut we are use to things appearing on our collective conciousness and disapearing just as fast. This war will not do that no matter who is in office, Democrat or Rebuplican. We are battling 1,000’s of years of tradition and oppression. This is all they know. Freedom is new to them and it will take time to grow.

    My one and biggest criticism of Bush on this is not being entirely honest with us in the lead up to the war as to what it was going to take to win. The length of the battle and what we were really getting ourselves into. Some of the interviews I saw after 9/11 were asking those questions but we got little back other than we are in this to win, whatever it takes.

    The length of this war will be long if we see it through to the end. If the biased media and the Democrats succeed in swaying against the effort we will pull out too soon the terrorists have already won. This is where you and the Democrats fail I say and why I will never vote for a candidate who takes that line or has too short a vision to think it is done and not complete the task at hand. That task at hand is the defeat of extremist terrorism — completely. We need to see this thing through to the end and that may take 20 to 30 years and the enemy knows it and the are banking that we do not have the stomach to see it through.

    I think we need to investigate what is happening in Syria and Iran and take military action in these regions if needed. Syria is a breeding ground and supply line of insurgents in Iraq and probally where the Weapons of Mass Destruction ended up. We need to find out. Iran is calling our bluff right now and proceeding with its nuclear program and pursuit of the atomic bomb and betting we are not courageous enough to do anything about it and betting the media and defeatist anti war crowd will sway public opinion enough that we pull out. I say we have just begun to fight. You say enough already. I say we have the best-equipped best-trained army in the world with the latest and greatest technology. Use it. At least until the job is done.

  7. Paul says:

    The “moral high ground” in our country has been flattened by people who pay it lip service-Left and Right-but ignore it at their leisure !

  8. Frodo says:

    This is the best article I have read on the NSA leak. You Defeatocrats and MSM types can not be serious! This is a disgrace.


  9. Chris Austin says:

    Frodo: This is the best article I have read on the NSA leak. You Defeatocrats and MSM types can not be serious! This is a disgrace.

    Was there uranium from Niger? Was Wilson wrong about what he wrote? Or was Bush wrong with what he said?

    As for this leak – the NSA leak – did they honestly think the NYTimes would NOT print it after the President came out and said that all wiretaps required a court order?!?!

    Once the President flat out lies to the public, I think it’s time to dust off that story you’d held onto for a year already. They didn’t publish it at the White House’s request, then President Bush went out and lied through his teeth.

    The argument from the right seems to be that the President (if Republican) should be able to lie to the American people whenever he wants. If you call him on one of those lies, you’re anti-American.

    Because we all know the time-honored tradition here in America to allow our leaders to do whatever they want…lie, cheat, steal…we love it, can’t get enough. Heck, I wish Bush would lie MORE OFTEN! It’d make me feel like even more of an American than I do right now!

  10. Chris Austin says:

    Frodo: I think we need to investigate what is happening in Syria and Iran and take military action in these regions if needed. Syria is a breeding ground and supply line of insurgents in Iraq and probally where the Weapons of Mass Destruction ended up. We need to find out. Iran is calling our bluff right now and proceeding with its nuclear program and pursuit of the atomic bomb and betting we are not courageous enough to do anything about it and betting the media and defeatist anti war crowd will sway public opinion enough that we pull out. I say we have just begun to fight. You say enough already. I say we have the best-equipped best-trained army in the world with the latest and greatest technology. Use it. At least until the job is done.

    Are you at least convinced at this point that we need an international coalition and a draft? You’re talking about all of this as if we’ve got an inexhaustable supply of troops and money, and we don’t!

    This isn’t Jesus feeding the 5000…we actually do need bodies, equipment and money to pull this off.

    Bush has already cut reconstruction $$$ for Iraq. I know that when things like this happen, the kneejerk reaction is to blame the media and Democrats, but this guy had the country united and behind him after 9/11…look at where he is now.

  11. right thinker says:

    Was there uranium from Niger? Was Wilson wrong about what he wrote? Or was Bush wrong with what he said?

    Wilson was wrong in that the President said sought and Wilson said bought. Wilson had a hidden agenda and no matter what really happened he was determined to paint Bush in a negative way. Your typical Democrat smear campaign.

    As for this leak – the NSA leak – did they honestly think the NYTimes would NOT print it after the President came out and said that all wiretaps required a court order?!?!

    As you said in your Plame/Wilson posts it doesn’t matter what the details are, national security was at stake and classified info was made public. In this case REAL national security was breached, not just some liberal activist exposed. The NYT aided and comforted the enemy with their article/book release marketing.

    Once the President flat out lies to the public, I think it’s time to dust off that story you’d held onto for a year already.

    Which didn’t happen and, even if it did, was irrelevant. Should Americans be allowed to die because of liberal politics?

    The argument from the right seems to be that the President (if Republican) should be able to lie to the American people whenever he wants.

    This is a lot like the war for oil claim that the left made up and then believed and now criticize Bush for not making come true (“Bush promised us cheap gas from the war in Iraq so where is it?”) No one from the Right said anything about this, they’ve said Bush has the right to intercept communications from foreign enemies abroad and he did.

    Why is Al-Queda calling people in America anyway? Obviously Clinton didn’t care, BJs and balancing the budget were more important than national security.

    Heck, I wish Bush would lie MORE OFTEN!

    I wish there was a real example that the left would provide to the rest of us to prove this claim.

    You’re talking about all of this as if we’ve got an inexhaustable supply of troops and money, and we don’t

    Not to speak for Frodo, but I personally feel we don’t have a choice. It’s not like we have a choice whether we get attacked or not. We didn’t choose to be attacked by Japan in 1941 and we didn’t choose to be attacked by Islam in 2001. Unless we want to be bombed every other day like in Israel I think we need to do what ever is necessary to keep our freedom.

    Bush has already cut reconstruction $$$ for Iraq.

    They don;t need it anymore, thier government is taking off on it’s own. You complained that we were there and now you complain that our goal is soon to be reached.

    look at where he is now.

    Yeah, he’s on the verge of being one of the most politically successful Republicans in history, maybe, dare I say it, better than Reagan.

  12. right thinker says:

    Harry Reid is a disgrace to Nevada and the Nation. Here is an exerpt from a story about Reid’s Abramoff ties.

    New York Democrat Hillary Clinton’s Senate campaign committee will donate $2,000 it received from Indian tribes connected to disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff to charity, but don’t expect the same from Democratic leader Harry Reid. While the Democratic National Committee is calling on Republicans to return any Abramoff-related donations, Reid has refused to give back some $60,000 he received from donors tied to the lobbyist.

    The DNC has that audacity to hypocritically tell Republicans to return any funds from Abramoff while some Democrats keep their gifts. Reid needs to go away along with Abramoff.

    The leader of the Democratic party feels he is above everyone else, even Hilary Clinton. This makes me wonder what Reid’s true connection is to Abramoff…..

  13. frodo says:

    Thanks Right. You beat me to the punch. Thanks for sticking up for the Republicans and the war effort andforhelpingmecalla spadea spade.

  14. frodo says:

    Update: yeah I am mad. If you want to know why read this:

    And I QUOTE “If I could force the critics of this war to look anywhere right now, I’d make them look at Georgia, at a little baby, and at the good-hearted Americans who’re moving heaven and Earth to help an Iraqi family.

    I’d show them Baby Noor, the 3-month-old infant who’s traveling from Abu Ghraib to Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta for life-saving surgery. I’d point them at Georgia’s 48th Brigade Combat Team, the regular folks at Douglasville’s Shepherd of the Hills United Methodist Church, Senator Saxby Chambliss and every other kind soul behind the spirited effort.

    This story, which in a few short days has become symbolic of all that’s good about U.S. involvement in Iraq, is proof that much of what liberals and critics say about the war is propaganda.

    “Bombing the hell” out of a country, intentionally killing innocents, and being there only for oil are the addled manifestations of war critics who live in a world of denial, accusation and mistrust.

    Their opposition to our presence in Iraq, including non-stop criticism of the administration and our military as “imperialist killing machines” isn’t based on fact, but on myth, misguided naiveté or, worst of all, hatred for this president.

    They don’t want to admit to any successes in Iraq, even the individual ones like saving Baby Noor.

    See the hand ringing, as war critics watch troops get positive press for doing what they do every day: helping the people of Iraq.

    See them aghast that Baby Noor might get half the coverage given the torture story, the atrocity story, the Koran mishandling story. They do not want the world to see soldiers being fatherly, going the extra mile to save one small life.

    This rocks John Kerry’s world, because he and his cronies say our troops “terrorize Iraqi women and children” in the middle of the night. Don’t ask me why, but a majority of liberals and democrats want us to believe that, even though they claim to “support the troops”. (If they’re not characterizing our professional soldiers and Marines as evil occupiers, they’re painting them as misled victims).

    And about the father and grandmother of little Baby Noor: have you noticed they must cover their faces, protecting their identities from the possibility of discovery?

    This is not done for religious reasons, but out of fear. Fear that the real evil occupiers of their country and their neighborhood will see them. Fear the insurgents (lets just call them what they are – terrorists) might see them TRYING TO GET HELP FOR THEIR CHILD and kill them and their family members.

    Americans historically stand up against evil. We’re bearers of hope and freedom around the world, despite what liberals say.

    If Baby Noor’s touching story isn’t proof enough for them of why we should be in Iraq and of the evil we’re fighting, then I’m resigned to the fact they’re hopelessly stuck in a quagmire of their own – the inability to see that for which we fight.

    How can men be so evil that they would kill someone for saving their child?

    This puts freedom in perspective to me.” End QUOTE.

    Read the whole thing here:


    I could not have said it better myself. ITs not that I just do not agree with you its … well … you are just wrong.

  15. Wisenheimer says:

    I take it those ladies were trollin’?

  16. Chris Austin says:

    Got me, as long as they’re not posting links to half priced pills or online casino sites, I could care less.

  17. Wisenheimer says:

    But their posts have been deleted…

  18. Chris Austin says:

    Hmmm…I didn’t do it.

    Must have something to do with El Nino

  19. Wisenheimer says:

    What can I say? Im entertained by the small things in life.

  20. Paul says:

    Chris I love your rants friend! 🙂

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