Annual Causes of Death in the United States

Tobacco 435,000
Poor Diet and Physical Inactivity 365,000
Alcohol 85,000
Microbial Agents 75,000
Toxic Agents 55,000
Motor Vehicle Crashes 26,347
Adverse Reactions to Prescription Drugs 32,000
Suicide 30,622
Incidents Involving Firearms 29,000
Homicide 20,308
Sexual Behaviors 20,000
All Illicit Drug Use, Direct and Indirect 17,000
Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs Such As Aspirin 7,600

Based on 3100 terrorist involved deaths over the past 10 years

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7 Responses to Annual Causes of Death in the United States

  1. This proves George Bush is doing a great job on National Defence and the War of Terrorism.

  2. Chris Austin says:

    Sopranos – Adriana is explaining her irritable bowel syndrome to Christopher, and he asks ‘whadda you got to be stressed about?’ She mentions the war in Iraq and he says this (great scene!):

    “Didn’t you listen to the President? We’re gonna mop the floor with the whole fuckin’ world and the whole fuckin’ world will be under our control”

  3. Wisenheimer says:

    The reason that terrorists have not attacked the US in four years is because I have been eating breakfast cereal everyday. Oh, and I no longer work at the mental health department. Coincidence? No.

  4. Chris Austin says:

    In any situation, when a manager responds to criticism by setting up and knocking down straw men, it’s not good.

  5. karl says:

    This seems to contradict the argument that Iraq is better off:

    By Ellen Knickmeyer
    Washington Post Foreign Service
    Monday, January 2, 2006; Page A01

    BAGHDAD — The Bush administration does not intend to seek any new funds for Iraq reconstruction in the budget request going before Congress in February, officials say. The decision signals the winding down of an $18.4 billion U.S. rebuilding effort in which roughly half of the money was eaten away by the insurgency, a buildup of Iraq’s criminal justice system and the investigation and trial of Saddam Hussein.

    Just under 20 percent of the reconstruction package remains unallocated. When the last of the $18.4 billion is spent, U.S. officials in Baghdad have made clear, other foreign donors and the fledgling Iraqi government will have to take up what authorities say is tens of billions of dollars of work yet to be done merely to bring reliable electricity, water and other services to Iraq’s 26 million people.

    I hope you all had a good new year

  6. Chris Austin says:

    I got it all ingested finally – and it’s either not good for Iraq (if you consider the arguments that our presence is necessary), or it doesn’t matter.

    They agree with Murtha, that’s becoming clear.

  7. Rylon says:

    epic fail… EPIC fail.. take a look at this instead and think once more, god damn imbeciles..

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