National Defense Isn’t Everything

We spend over 50% of our budget on national defense, yet couldn’t prevent the 9/11 attacks OR correctly predict and carry out a sound battle plan in the Iraq War. In spite of this, all Republicans want to talk about is what we need to do about terrorism, illegal immigrants and liberals. Never mind that our military is currently constituted to fight a war that took place in the 1940s, and the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks is still out there. Now they’re saying it’s all about having faith, and allowing the President to rule as if he were a dictator.

I never hear Republicans talking about how to better defend our soldiers from IEDs, but they sure do talk about the soldiers a lot don’t they? Like a religious symbol worn around someone’s neck, Republicans put on their soldier necklaces and wedge them into every political discussion they possibly can. Come to think of it, they’ve done the same thing with Christ as well. In this month of December, their defense of the phrase ‘Merry Christmas’ surely got more attention than how to get better at fighting this war. Christ has been dead for over a thousand years and he got editorials and books on how to fight a war defending his birthday. Thousands of soldiers are still alive over in Iraq, and all they got was campaign slogans.

Millions of Americans are still alive as well. Homeless and broke from Katrina, dealing with rising energy bills in cold winter states, working full time yet without health insurance coverage, youths killing each other with guns at higher rates in several cities across the country, wages failing to rise along with inflation while corporate profit soars, industry pollution levels going ignored as mercury levels rise in the seafood Americans consume, and growing increasingly larger by the day – American children have more access with each passing year to cans of carbonated liquids in their school cafeterias, stimulants in their medicine cabinets, guns on the streets of their neighborhoods, and less access to the education they all deserve.

We cannot get any legislation from our leaders acting on the peer-reviewed analysis that’s already been completed and agreed upon by a majority of American scientists concerning human induced climate change, mercury poisoning, nutrition, plan-B birth control or embryonic stem cell research. None of these things seem to matter to Republicans as long as they can jaw for a while about terrorism and our national defense. They’ve become increasingly one-note amidst all of these things that actually do matter to most of us living in the country today. As the work piles up in DC, the more and more they seem to ramble on about national defense.

It’s as if Republicans have forgotten that their job encompasses more than simply identifying enemies and talking trash. All they seem to care about now are terrorists, illegal immigrants and liberals. Turn on any right-wing radio station today and you’ll hear talking heads complaining about these three groups of people, but not much else.

Simply put, Republicans never stop campaigning/complaining long enough to actually do the work that needs to be done. Trent Lott recently asked a lackey the President sent out to plead with him not to retire, “Where is our vision and our agenda?” I think the answer to that question is obvious. The vision is to stay out of jail, win future elections and keep America safe from the bogeyman. The agenda is whatever keeps industry and the religious right happy on a given day.

As a Republican consumer, all you have to do is this:
1. Wake up each day and blather on about how scared we all need to be about the possibility of terrorists, illegal immigrants or liberals taking over the country.
2. If scientists disagrees with the opinion of an industry financed think tank, file them under ‘liberal’ and move on.
3. If the liberals makes more sense than you do on a given day, file them under ‘terrorists’ and move on.
4. If a terrorist gets to walk because Republicans bungled their prosecution, pretend it never happened, go to sleep and start back at step #1 in the morning.

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10 Responses to National Defense Isn’t Everything

  1. Paul says:

    Chris why don’t you run for President? With Michael Moore as your VP!

  2. Chris Austin says:

    I could do a better job than Bush. He’s been a disaster!

  3. Paul says:

    I’ll take Bush – you can have Clinton who committed our troops more than any other President in our entire history. Check your facts !

  4. Chris Austin says:

    Paul, I was a soldier for four years under Clinton, so I’m aware of what we were doing during that time.

    What’s your definition of ‘committed’?

    To me, it’s a cut and dry matter that has more to do with how many of us ended up dead than anything else!

  5. Paul says:

    Check Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary Chris.

  6. Chris Austin says:

    Iraq dwarfs anything Clinton sent Americans into. The human toll it takes on the military, the monetary and political cost.

  7. Paul says:

    Chris ever thought of working for the other side? Have a Happy New Year ! 🙂

  8. right thinker says:

    Iraq dwarfs anything Clinton sent Americans into. The human toll it takes on the military, the monetary and political cost.

    Just imagine what we could have saved had Clinton done his job and not passed the buck to Bush. I guess he was too busy getting BJs and covering up his people’s scandals to take care of Iraq himself. The cost is so much greater now because Clinton didn’t handle it then.

  9. Chris Austin says:

    Too busy balancing the budget, lowering poverty and disarming the world diplomatically.

    Cameras inside N. Korean reactors under his watch…what has Bush’s strategy accomplished on that score?

    Clinton was a statesman – which if you read history, it’s clear that being a hoar doesn’t exclude anyone from this distinction – and the sheer fact that he figured out what neither Reagan nor Bush Sr. could, how to run the government without spending more than you have.

  10. right thinker says:

    Too busy balancing the budget, lowering poverty and disarming the world diplomatically.

    A massive tax hike, while technically comes close to balance, doesn’t quite cut it. Where was poverty lowered? Didn’t he send nuclear material to North Korea “on their word” that they wouldn’t make weapons? What a moron. I think he gave them missile technology too.

    And he gave all that money to the Arabs who live outside Isreal funding terrorist attacks and maybe even 9/11, but we’ll probably never know. That’s the nature of untraceable, already laundered money.

    Clinton did nothing but cover his own ass and protect his friends.

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