Arrived, Unpacked, Waiting

Comcast gives us cable (HBO/Showtime), phone and high speed internet for $150 a month out here. It’s going to be up on Wednesday, and I’ll be writing once the tech is done. I’ve been doing a lot of reading in the meantime, and look forward to getting back in touch w/ all of you. I’m writing this from Heather’s grandparents’ house a few doors down.

Caught my first of many UCONN women’s basketball games last night (they beat Hofstra by over 40). Lots of pictures, stories and ridiculous cash prizes await all of you who stick w/ me through this transition! Much love to everyone – Right, Paul, karl, Weisenheimer, Mr. Mom, Indiana, Bookworm, Frodo, Jaaman, Mark, Mom, erin, Jesus, Santa, Tedy Bruschi, Q-Tip, Satan and of course the ghosts of Jerry Garcia, Jimi Hendrix and Jimmy Page…I love you all.

The NSA wants to discuss my writing…they’ve got a black hood and some boiling water waiting for me. Peace!

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10 Responses to Arrived, Unpacked, Waiting

  1. Wisenheimer says:

    If you are looking for a kindred spirit, that’s me. I ‘ve spent the last three days packing up all of my stuff and eight hours yesterday moving it all over to my new place. Now I gotta unpack everything and take care of the rinky dink crap (buy a shower rod, batteries for a TV remote. I sometimes thing that’s the worst part of moving, getting thrown off your routine.

  2. Wisenheimer says:

    BTW, Jimmy Page is not dead.

  3. karl says:

    Must see TV:

    New NBC Drama Show Mocks Christianity
    Email NBC Chairman Bob Wright over NBC’s latest show, “The Book of Daniel.”
    NBC is touting the network’s mid-season replacement series “The Book of Daniel” with language that implies it is a serious drama about Christian people and Christian faith. The main character is Daniel Webster, a drug-addicted Episcopal priest whose wife depends heavily on her mid-day martinis.

    Webster regularly sees and talks with a very unconventional white-robed, bearded Jesus. The Webster family is rounded out by a 23-year-old homosexual Republican son, a 16-year-old daughter who is a drug dealer, and a 16-year-old adopted son who is having sex with the bishop’s daughter.

    At the office, his lesbian secretary is sleeping with his sister-in-law.

    Network hype – and the mainstream media – call it “edgy,” “challenging” and “courageous.” The hour-long limited drama series will debut January 6 with back-to-back episodes and will air on Friday nights. The writer for the series is a practicing homosexual.

    The homosexual son will be network prime-time’s only regular male homosexual character in a drama series.

    I cannot wai to see this!!! I appreciate the AFA for bringing to my attention.

  4. Paul says:

    It has the elements to appeal to certain people. Homosexuality, alcoholism,drug addiciton,gratuitous sex. And the courage to have it on television-a Liberal’s delight !!

  5. Chris Austin says:

    Wisenheimer says:
    BTW, Jimmy Page is not dead.

    He could have fooled me!

  6. right thinker says:

    Are you sure this isn’t a Jerry Springer episode? What happened to all the “tolerance” and love the Left claims to have dominion over? More trash TV aimed at disenfranchising another segment of the population that liberals hate. If this “Daniel” family is all black then the cirle of hate would be complete and eveyone liberals despise would be on there.

    Are there any characters who are in the union and molest children or are there any liberal college professors or students who create hoaxs of racism and government oppression?

  7. Chris Austin says:

    karl: Network hype – and the mainstream media – call it “edgy,” “challenging” and “courageous.” The hour-long limited drama series will debut January 6 with back-to-back episodes and will air on Friday nights. The writer for the series is a practicing homosexual.

    The homosexual son will be network prime-time’s only regular male homosexual character in a drama series.

    I cannot wai to see this!!! I appreciate the AFA for bringing to my attention.

    Paul says:
    It has the elements to appeal to certain people. Homosexuality, alcoholism,drug addiciton,gratuitous sex. And the courage to have it on television-a Liberal’s delight !!

    See – network TV can’t pull off drama anymore w/out dead hookers, sickos, ridiculous storylines…bad writing, IN YOUR FACE edgy-hip dialogue.

    A bunch of talentless suits sitting around a conference table brainstorming…
    “hey, HBO did this and that and this and that”
    ‘yea, we can make a show like that’
    “Good, have a script on my desk tomorrow morning”
    ‘no problem…ok, send an intern out for tequilla and pizza, we’ve got to get to work’

    That’s how it works. If this doesn’t get ratings, they’ll rebrand it, only w/ all the characters stranded on an island.

  8. right thinker says:

    A bunch of talentless suits sitting around a conference table brainstorming…”hey, HBO did this and that and this and that”

    It all goes back to HBO!!!! lol

  9. Chris Austin says:

    HBO is the beast they’re all trying to chase down…best crime drama ‘The Wire’, best period series ‘Deadwood’ ‘Rome’, best comedies ‘Curb Your Enthusiasm’ ‘Entourage’

    Network TV can’t hold a candle to it. They can’t write, and the acting falls way short of the mark. They insist it’s all about standards and practices, but it’s not…it’s about talent.

  10. Wisenheimer says:

    The Carver!!!

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