Why Does FoxNews Hate Jews?

For the life of me, I can’t figure out why this ‘Christmas Under Siege’ campaign has become such an annual push on FoxNews. Bill O’Reiley’s got a list of stores on his website who supposedly piss on the feet of all Christians everywhere by going with Happy Holidays or Season’s Greetings instead of Merry Christmas. Since Americans of all religions shop at these stores, what they want you to believe is it’s all the work of some kind of sinister ‘anti-Christian liberal agenda’.

Translation: Jews are trying to kill Christmas. They’ve always been jealous, because we were here first and we’ve got dibs!

Getting a Christian version of antisemitism into the marketplace is the idea at play here. In business terms, if anti-Christiantism can gain traction, FoxNews, right-wing radio and the evangelicals can count on an annual revenue kick around the holidays. They haven’t got a Christian version of the Holocaust to refer to, nor do they have photos of Christians hanging from trees or burning at the stake, so this thing has to be sold radio to radio/TV to TV if it’s going to catch on.

If this isn’t what’s going on, then why did Mel Gibson have 13 tanker trucks full of pig’s blood left over when production ended on The Passion? Just in case I suppose. I do know this though, FoxNews was treating Gibson’s movie like it was Schindler’s List, The Piano and Sofie’s Choice all rolled into one. When it didn’t take home Oscars, they saw it as a gauntlet being thrown down by Hollywood.

Preposterous? Well, as a person who’s neither Christian or Jewish, that’s how the entire debate has sounded to me since day one. The preceding paragraphs are simply an example of how easy it is to get people riled up by leveraging religion. After all, people in the Middle East have been killing each other for centuries over this type of nonsense. Throw God into the mix and you can get people to believe anything.

Go back a few centuries in US history and you might be surprised to learn that the Puritans worked on Christmas Day, because they were offended that people back in Europe were partying too much. It was offensive to the them that people would be carrying on like that on such a holy day. I wonder sometimes what they’d think of Santa Claus and the commercialization of Jesus’s birth here in America. Would they have been pro-Easter Bunny? Because the talking heads who shout about this ridiculous crap the loudest always cite history, how they know for a fact that these many dead people agreed with them 100%.

Perhaps everyone involved in this debate has some sort of a stake in it, and that’s all you need to know. I just hope that this ‘New’ antisemitism product the right-wing is shopping around goes the way of New Coke sometime soon. Because Christians aren’t being locked up, hung, burned, gassed or forced to sit in the back of the bus here in America. And as hard as they try to find something legitimate to cry about, not seeing ‘Merry Christmas’ on Target’s circular is a tad bit less serious than than driving a Humvee down an IED-ridden road in Iraq!

If you’re a Christian in America, you’re not oppressed, just spoiled.


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6 Responses to Why Does FoxNews Hate Jews?

  1. Paul says:

    What’s wrong with spoiled Christians Chris?

  2. right thinker says:

    What does ALCU taking away America’s First Ammendment rights to freedom of religion have to do with the Jews? It’s Howad Dean and Ted Kennedy that kate religion, this is liberal cult of persoanality against religion.

    Liberals want you to worship them and a religious higher power gets in the way. It’s always liberals that express their deep seated hatred for religion minorities and freedom and linfe in general. The first attack against a conservate is that he’s gay, like that is something soo terribly wrong. It’s Democrats who are racially attacking the Maryland candidate for governor.

    I think liberals do have some sort of conscious because they tend to attack other people with charges of actions the Democrats themselves commit. It’s like the guilt forces them to put their crimes on other people. Liberals hate minorities, for example, but who do Democrats say are the racists when over they can get a second in front of the mike? Conservatives, of course, the anti-lynching law guys.

    All the Jew conspiracy theories come from liberals but they sure love Saddam Huissein, Stalin, Pol Pot and just about any dictator you can think of (except for Hitler and I’ve always wondered why) especially Chavez and that El Salvadoran guy.

    Anyway, to say Fox news hates Jews is like saying Ted Kennedy hates booze, sexual perversion and drowning women.

  3. Terry says:

    I disagree with you that Christians are spoiled in this country.
    I believe that is name calling.
    My opinion there is a political correctness in this country that has gone overboard.
    I also believe that Fox News is overemphasizing the issue.
    It is not that big of an problem.

  4. right thinker says:

    I disagree with you that Christians are spoiled in this country.

    I think that was sarcasm. Christianity is anything but spoiled nowadays and is under constant assault. My company says we can’t say Christmas in the office for the usual liberal BS reasons. All of the office decroations have been ditched and each person now has to decorate their own cubicle,within the guidlines of course.

    They have to do this so the predatory Anti-Civil Liberties Union doesn’t try to get us all laid off (after our compay is forcible shut down,that is).

    My opinion there is a political correctness in this country that has gone overboard.

    Terry, I have to tell you that is a massive understatement. Political Correctness, at this point, is the cancer that has gone unchecked and now infects every organ. Any longer and we’ll be as self-loathing as the French.

    I also believe that Fox News is overemphasizing the issue.

    Not if your the one being prosecuted, then you realize Fox News is the only one talking about it. The NYT has wanted Christmas abolished for decades.

    It is not that big of an problem.

    That’s exactly what Satan said, in his NYT editorial.

  5. Chris Austin says:

    Terry says:
    I disagree with you that Christians are spoiled in this country.
    I believe that is name calling.
    My opinion there is a political correctness in this country that has gone overboard.
    I also believe that Fox News is overemphasizing the issue.
    It is not that big of an problem.

    With the war in Iraq, Sudan, defecit, Katrina people still homeless…to be stiring up this kind of nonsence about Christmas is nothing more than a marketing ploy.

    Look at who’s trying to make money off of books on the subject.

    I’m sorry that you thought I was name calling, but for the amount of complaining done by the evangelicals – broadcast on FoxNews – is ridiculous.

    You point out that political correctness has run amok, yet who’s the loudest on this topic? Nobody’s pushing Bill O’Reiley to doing what he’s doing…that’s his greed talking.

    Terry: I disagree with you that Christians are spoiled in this country.

    RT: I think that was sarcasm.

    Hell nah!!! Right…THIS is sarcasm “If this isn’t what’s going on, then why did Mel Gibson have 13 tanker trucks full of pig’s blood left over when production ended on The Passion?”

    Pointing out that Christians are spoiled here in America…that’s a fact. Christian, Muslim, Hindu, whatever…not only are we blessed to be living in this country where we have the opportunity to feed ourselves, not die of malaryia or from a fatal machette wound…but EVERYBODY’S oppressed now.

    If you live in America and complain about the ‘PC police’ every single Christmas for the rest of your life, there must not have been much else to worry about I suppose. Of course there is, but that’s where the spoiled part comes in.

    While others starve, these people carry on like they were being hung by the thousands. I’ve heard enough lucky people in my life cry over nothing to recognize it.

    RT: Christianity is anything but spoiled nowadays and is under constant assault. My company says we can’t say Christmas in the office for the usual liberal BS reasons. All of the office decroations have been ditched and each person now has to decorate their own cubicle,within the guidlines of course.
    They have to do this so the predatory Anti-Civil Liberties Union doesn’t try to get us all laid off (after our compay is forcible shut down,that is).

    See, this notion of a struggle where there is none. Right, how many people DIED over this supposed ‘war’? Must be really serious w/ all that bloodshed, right?

    Terry: My opinion there is a political correctness in this country that has gone overboard.

    RT: Terry, I have to tell you that is a massive understatement. Political Correctness, at this point, is the cancer that has gone unchecked and now infects every organ. Any longer and we’ll be as self-loathing as the French.

    OK, so how about everyone start throwing around nigger, spic, honkey, wop, chink and whatever else they want to say so everyone is happy. Is that what you two are advocating? Or are there limits? Who sets the limits? Don’t tell me….Jerry Fallwell, right?

    Terry: I also believe that Fox News is overemphasizing the issue.

    RT: Not if your the one being prosecuted, then you realize Fox News is the only one talking about it. The NYT has wanted Christmas abolished for decades.

    Ah, so if a Christian feels like complaining, it’s because they’re being persecuted (for Captain Grammar over there, heh) – BUT – the PC police are too hard on everyone…

    Terry: It is not that big of an problem.

    RT: That’s exactly what Satan said, in his NYT editorial.

    How’s my boy doin?

  6. right thinker says:

    With the war in Iraq, Sudan, defecit, Katrina people still homeless…to be stiring up this kind of nonsence about Christmas is nothing more than a marketing ploy.

    I don’t think so, the 1st Ammendment protects religion as well as free speach and is a cornerstone of our society. I’m especially not for trying to cover-up the incompetance of a certain Democrat Mayor and Governor foresaking all else.

    You point out that political correctness has run amok, yet who’s the loudest on this topic? Nobody’s pushing Bill O’Reiley to doing what he’s doing…that’s his greed talking.

    PC is anti-religion and FOX News is the only one talking about the loss of civil rights.

    See, this notion of a struggle where there is none. Right, how many people DIED over this supposed ‘war’? Must be really serious w/ all that bloodshed, right?

    Is it a worthy cause only if people die??? That must make Iraq very worthy but I tend to think that the 1st ammendment is pretty worthy too, even if no one has died yet, that we know of.

    OK, so how about everyone start throwing around nigger, spic, honkey, wop, chink and whatever else they want to say so everyone is happy. Is that what you two are advocating? Or are there limits? Who sets the limits? Don’t tell me….Jerry Fallwell, right?

    I thought the Constitution sets the limits in this country, interpreted by courts and added to by duly elected legislators. The SS could have taken some pointers from the liberal PC cabal.

    What is interesting is that it is ok for liberals to call African Americans Uncle Tom and Aunt Gemima and portray them in black face and pelt them with oreos but when a “natural disaster” strikes New Orleans and the liberals do absolutely nothing to help then the Republicans get labeled racists.

    Ah, so if a Christian feels like complaining, it’s because they’re being persecuted (for Captain Grammar over there, heh) – BUT – the PC police are too hard on everyone…

    If a Christian complains the PC police say shut up you gay hating, racist, blood thirsty bigot. When an African American lady fakes a racial vandalsim attack, collects the insurance money and is discovered for the fraud she is then it’s racial intolerance forced her to do it.

    Christian are the favorite whipping target of the left because it shows people that there is something greater than the Democratic party.

    How’s my boy doin?

    Loves John Kerry and Nancy Pelosi, loves Islam and hates boyscouts. And for some reason he’s doing a lot of favors for the Atlanta Braves next year.

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