Terrell Owens – Drew Rosenhaus

Have at it.

I think Rosenhaus is a person of low class and a much lower level of ability to do his job than he and his clients give him credit for. He started the offseason with Owens and Javon Walker, neither of them are good with management or fans…neither of them are playing.

It wasn’t good in the offseason for everything to be such a circus with this guy, but for the nonsence to carry out this far into the season is just disrespectful in every way. If I were the Eagles, I’d make it clear to Owens that if he fires Rosenhaus, they’ll take him back after his 4 week suspension is served. Politically and realistically, the removal of his agent’s voice and a total-team version of TO could have him back in everyone’s good graces by the first touchdown he scores. It seems like a no-brainer to me.

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7 Responses to Terrell Owens – Drew Rosenhaus

  1. Frodo says:

    I agree. This agent is a total waste of human potential. But I am not so sure if the Philly fans will welcome TO back under any circumstances at this point in time. I think that bridge has been burnt. Just my humble opinion.

  2. Chris Austin says:

    A couple weeks without TO will get the fans to where they just want to win. They’re in for the fight of their life trying to beat out the Giants, Cowboys and Redskins in the second half with the receivers they’ve got now.

    McNabb has already proven in his career that there’s a ceiling he’s bound to hit if his guys can’t get open. The Giants and Cowboys can put up a two TD lead, just like the Broncos did.

    Owens will hear it from his friends (if he has any of those), to blame his agent and make nice w/ the team. It’ll start making sence to him, and then it’s all about how many games they won without him. If they’re 1-3 or 2-2 in the 4 games, odds are good they’ll try something.

  3. Paul says:

    Owens and DR are both all for themselves and it shows ! I am glad Philly canned TO !

  4. Chris Austin says:

    I’m glad too, as I’m not against Philly becoming mediocre while the Panthers, Giants, Cowboys and Redskins emerge (Add Seattle?) – but…

    maybe it’s being a fan in Boston, but fans have a short memory. If the Eagles fail to get anywhere this year, there will be fans who’ll question how they handled the TO thing.

    A couple years back, the Postons (sp?), agents for Lawyer Milloy and Ty Law got Bellicheck so fed up that he just avoided having to deal with them or any of their clients at all costs. Law and Milloy weren’t as bad as TO…and Rosenhaus is like the Postons on acid.

  5. karl says:

    Where do you think TO will wind up? The Broncos have a history of getting burned by these kind of guys.

  6. Chris Austin says:

    For him to get to another team, Philly has to release him, which would mean a hefty cap penalty for the following season. The league can waive some of this, but they probably wont as it wouldn’t be fair to everyone else playing by the rules.

    Basically how it works is…and I’m going ultra-simple w/ this, is the signing bonus the player gets in their contract is spread out through each year. Owens signed a 7 year deal, let’s say hypothetically he got a 14 million dollar signing bonus. 2 million would be paid to him prior to each season in a lump sum.

    If you trade or release a player, the cap hit is at least the bonus amount, and then there’s a calculation that makes it even larger…it might even be the entire salary for the next season.

    So while the talk about him being over and done with in Phily is all we’re hearing, it’s going to be bad for the Eagles to move or release him as they’ll be paying for it next season.

    The best thing they can do is somehow get him back on the field. Get him to sign something that could relieve them of their future commitment…the best thing would be to offer him a one year deal (if they have the cap space), so he can leave as a free agent once the season’s over.

    The agent and TO both know that Philly isn’t about to take that big of a cap hit without trying a few things first.

    That’s why I think both sides have been negotiating w/ all of the events of the past week. The Eagles made it crystal clear to TO that they’re willing to play dirty if they need to, and the circus rolls on.

    TO would definitely help the Broncoes, but for him to get there…they’d have to rework his contract for a lot of money. How many years does Rod Smith have left in his legs?

  7. karl says:

    I really cannot hold a candle to you when it comes to sports knowledge. You should have a sports talk show.

    If philly can find someone willing to trade for him that might solve their problems. Can Philly just keep suspending him for the length of his contract?

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