Out of the Loop – Open Thread

I’m running a fantasy basketball draft, taking care of the kids on my own today…so the big news is passing me by as of right now. Anyone wanting to get into it – here’s an open thread. Peace – Chris

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14 Responses to Out of the Loop – Open Thread

  1. Karl says:

    scooter libby indicted. With a name like scooter you knew his life would end badly.

  2. Phil says:

    How long before Cheney resigns???

  3. Chris Austin says:

    With a GOP House and Senate? Probably when hell freezes over.

  4. karl says:

    from a politica standpoint I hope they keep Cheney around. One of the biggest problems facing the GOP is that Bush does not have successor. As long as Dr No errr I mean Cheney is the vice president that problem continues.
    I have heard people suggest Condileeza Rice to replace Cheney if he does resign/get indicted, I wonder how the pro-choice Rice would play to the base?

  5. phil says:

    Chris, I disagree.
    The right went after Clinton with guns blazing for the Lewinsky incident. Assuming Libby really was Cheney’s “spokesperson”, the Left is gonna have a field day. This puts the Spiro Agnew a distant second as far as VP doublespeak.

  6. Chris Austin says:

    They’re going to pick up seats, but unless they gain control of the Congress, this can potentially fall in the category of…let’s see, Abu Gharib, the Downing Street Memos, allocation of National Guard resources, underfunding of the VA, this coverup of what the government knew about Atta before 9/11…a Republican representative is screaming the loudest about that last one, but it doesn’t go anywhere. Besides the blogs and newspapers, it gets absolutely no play.

    Unless the governing body is interested getting to the bottom of something, this White House has proven that they can bury anything with the compliance of a GOP Congress.

  7. Paul says:

    Cheney will survive the fallout. Remember that what goes around comes around in politics. There will be Democrats with egg on their faces too. Mark my words.

  8. Paul says:

    The Left/Liberals are tasting blood and such is life. You are really no different than the Right.

  9. Karl says:

    outing a CIA agent is serious and then lying to protect the guilty parties is also serious. I doubt you will see Dempocrats outing CIA agents in the next administration, Dems take national security a little to seriously for that to happen. Dems may not always take their marital vows seriously but at least they take the countries security seriously.

  10. Chris Austin says:

    Paul – it’s clear that Cheney told Libby that Wilson’s wife worked for the CIA. This is in black and white within the indictment. What happened after that date is suddenly reporters knew about it. Libby testified that he learned about it from reporters, which was a lie. The indictment lays the case out very well.

  11. Karl says:

    The conservative talking point seems to be that the only law broken was the cover-up. Maybe Cheney is the one who broke the law and scooter tried to cover for him like a good sychophant.

    I can kind of picture Cheney as Dr Frankenstien and Scooter as Igore.

  12. Chris Austin says:

    The conservatives who are repeating that talking point either didn’t read the indictment or are lying. Libby broke a law in leaking the information, but in terms of something Fitzgerald could get a conviction on, the cover-up provided plenty of charges for him to use.

    Any righty saying this…respond with, ‘if there was no crime, then what was Libby covering up?’

    Can it be that he was covering up something that was LEGAL??? This is so obvious at this point, I’m kind of glad that America gets to see how dishonest these people are.

    Righties don’t care if a law was broken…they’re advocating on behalf of their team jersey. It’s just a game to these people.

  13. Chris Austin says:

    They lied to get us into Iraq, and 2000 Americans are now dead because of it. Read my post on the Libby indictment. This entire thing was SO SIMPLE, from day one it was simple. The media made money off of making it seem complicated when it wasn’t.

    That’s what the right-wing will be doing from here on out. They’re going to tell you that the entire thing is murky and complicated when in fact it’s cut and dry.

  14. Chris Austin says:

    Paul says:
    Cheney will survive the fallout. Remember that what goes around comes around in politics. There will be Democrats with egg on their faces too. Mark my words.

    This is correct, but when it happens to Democrats, will there be 2000 dead Americans and a trillion dollar war that comes from it?

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