Saudi Terrorists

The number of Saudis taking aim at us in Iraq is reported to be 2,500.

It seems as if the realities of life are getting in the way of our politics. The stated list of enemies is swiss cheese, similar to baseball’s steroid policy prior to the feds kicking doors down, a view of the world enslaved by a series of payoffs. Pakistan and Saudi Arabia bring about none of the rhetoric, and the midget from North Korea brags about nukes to a stone wall.

Our foreign policy is the equivalent of a craps game.

I suspect that sooner rather than later, the faucet will be turned on for media blitz on Iran. With God’s blessing we might even be able to divide the populace further, kill the dollar and every soldier we can (naturally, to save on health care costs). I know one thing, the Saudi citizen can suicide bomb a handfull of US troops, and the drive-thru news will look past the bribe – money covering for money as it must – and just talk ragtime until it’s time to warm up the bombers.

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