Say goodbye to Vick part 2

Looks like other people are starting to think it is time to cut Vick:

Last August, after the Eagles’ shocking decision to sign the reinstated Vick, Lurie spoke with unprecedented candor and visible anguish during a news conference at the NovaCare Complex.

Lurie talked about his own disgust with Vick’s crimes, about his misgivings when coach Andy Reid proposed signing the former Atlanta quarterback. He talked about sitting down with Vick and looking into his eyes for signs of remorse and “self-hatred” for his actions. He said it wouldn’t be enough for Vick simply to refrain from causing trouble…

To be blunt, it has been apparent all along that the Eagles were wrong. Vick has not been some “agent for social change” (in Lurie’s words). He made a handful of uninspired appearances, telling children they shouldn’t get involved in dogfighting. Vick did little, if any more, than most players whose contracts call for a few such public appearances every season.

I still think their may have been other reasons to sign Vick, mostly to keep him quiet about other players and dogfighting, and he has acted that way, not really seeming very sincere when he talks about errors in his past. Mostly he has talked about how bad it has been for HIM. I hope the Eagles cut him and let him write his tell all book, it beats having Vick embarrass the NFL by his presence in the league.

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