Granny Palin news

Steve Benen asks when people will stop covering Sarah Palin’s hateful vile missives:

Former half-term Gov. Sarah Palin (R), who seems unfulfilled unless she’s engaged in some kind of pointless feud, has decided to lash out wildly at an investigative journalist. The details aren’t especially interesting….Newt Gingrich is mad as a hatter, but the political establishment still takes him seriously and showers him with the attention he craves — but the larger observation is compelling and persuasive. Palin just keeps getting more ridiculous, and there appears to be no breaking point. No matter how far she goes, there is no threshold to cross.

Part of the thing with Granny Palin and her clan is that they are sort of entertaining, and like any group of reality show stars they are pretty much a trainwreck, almost everyday Bristol Palin starts to look more like Snooky from Jersey Shores. Palin’s fans don’t realize that she is a joke and unfortunately they probably never will.

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