Not ready for reality?

A lot is being made of the Rand Paul implosion:

It’s basically this — all the stuff Paul is getting in trouble for now are things that would just be really tough to use against a candidate in a GOP primary in Kentucky, or frankly most red states, especially in 2010.

One of the things we rely on in politics is an adversary system to weed out bad apples. We don’t just rely on the press. We rely on the self-interest of the candidates themselves to ferret out weaknesses and warning signs in their opponents. In this case, though, was Trey Grayson going to go after Paul for his archaic and troubling views on civil rights? In a GOP primary in Kentucky in 2010? I doubt it. And pretty much the same for thinking there shouldn’t be a minimum wage or that Mexico and Canada are going to take away our liberty or that there shouldn’t be an Americans with Disabilities Act or all the rest.

I think the Libertarian implosion may have started with Sue Lowden and her “chickens for check-ups debacle. Libertarian/Conservative ideas don’t work. If you want to see them in practice go to Somalia or Haiti; this becomes obvious when they are even challenged a little bit, hopefully obvious enough that these idiots wont get elected.

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