How much is that baby in the window?

After I read stuff like this I am amazed that people still think we can breed our way out of the financial crisis:

Alison Schrager reports “The paper finds the cost of adopting a black baby needs to be $38,000 lower than the cost of a white baby, in order to make parents indifferent to race. Boys will need to cost $16,000 less than girls.”

Ross Duochethat did a column on another aspect of this a few days ago as well:

A] lot of the differences between “red” and “blue” family structures, as sketched in Naomi Cahn and June Carbone’s recent book, are driven by higher abortion rates in liberal states. And it really is striking, when you dig into the data, how much of the blue-state advantage in preventing teen births is made possible by abortion. Rhode Island’s teen pregnancy rate is identical to West Virginia’s, but West Virginia’s teen birth rate is 33 percent higher. California’s teen pregnancy rate is higher than Alabama’s, but California’s teen birth rate is 20 percent lower. Kentucky and Maryland have the same teen pregnancy rates, but Kentucky has almost 60 percent more teenage births. And so on

And yes I know I misspelled Douchehats name, for some reason I just can’t seem to spell it without the word “douche” in it.

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