A race to watch

Politics in Florida is always interesting:

Florida Gov. Charlie Crist spent most of 2010 a pitiful figure, falling behind an upstart Tea Party opponent and struggling to remain competitive in a senate primary when only two years before he was a presidential kingmaker and widely viewed as a future vice presidential or even presidential contender. But now he seems to be having if not the last laugh than at least biggest current one. Another poll is out showing Crist not just ahead in a three-way race for Senate but by a significant margin — six points over Marco Rubio and 19 points ahead of Democrat Kendrick Meek. And now Sen. Reid’s office is calling Crist’s office to chat.

I wonder if this isn’t the start of an independant caucus, which might make sense, right now the indepandants are established political figures but someone might be able to run on a platform of being smarter and more realistic than a tea-bagger, and less of a wimp than a Democrat and perhaps win.

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