Octamom makes good

Ok, not really but at least she is sort of using her celebrity for something worth while:

Can you say “strange bedfellows”? Octuplets mother Nadya Suleman, whose financial troubles have been well-documented, has accepted an offer from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals: $5,000 and a month’s supply of vegan hot dogs and hamburger patties for her family of 15 in exchange for allowing the animal-rights group to place an ad on her lawn.

The ad — which, in light of Suleman’s status as a paparazzi magnet, is likely to attract a lot of eyeballs — makes light of the mother of 14’s “Octomom” nickname. “Don’t let your dog or cat become an ‘octomom’,” it reads, “Always spay or neuter. PETA.” Pictured beside the text is a mother cat nursing a litter of young kittens.

If I had any money I might try to get her to put up a sign regarding vasectomy’s.

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