Healthcare reform!!!

So Healthcare reform has passed, a month or two ago it looked dead, but Obama and Co brought it back. I think later people will understand that obama’s best attribute is his persistance and steadyness. The White house lost the news cycle many days in a row, but in the end we have healthcare reform.

This sort of reminds me of the election where McCain spent all his time trying to win the newscycle and eventually lost the election because he seemed like a contestant on a reality show. The Republicans would probably win on survivor or dancng with the stars, but fortunately they lost at thier job, and as a result the rest of us won.

Update: What others are saying about Healthcare passage:

Now that it’s done, Barack Obama will go down in history as one of America’s finest presidents. It’s always possible of course that, like LBJ, he’ll get involved in some unrelated fiasco that mars his reputation. But fundamentally, he’s reshaped the policy landscape in a way that no progressive politician has done in decades.

Under the circumstances, it’s in some ways crazy to realize the scope of things still on the congress’ plate. The House has already passed major legislation dealing with climate change and financial regulation, and the president is also committed to significant reform of K-12 education and the immigration system.

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