Our sex-obsessed culture

I enjoy watching self righteous pricks get their comeuppance as much as anyone but this did happen twenty-five years ago, maybe he deserves a break.

House Majority Leader Kevin Garn announced Saturday he was resigning from the Utah Legislature, two days after revelations of a nude hot-tubbing incident with a minor 25 years ago and a payment to keep it quiet.

“After discussing this matter with my family, I have decided that it is in the best interests of them, my colleagues and the people of Utah,” Garn said in his letter of resignation, submitted to House Speaker David Clark, R-Santa Clara, Saturday morning.

Cheryl Maher, who was the teen in the hot tub with Garn in 1985, said she has felt “a lot of peace” since coming forward with her story.

“I hope Kevin knows I never meant to hurt anyone, but the truth had to come out,” she said Saturday morning in a phone interview from her New Hampshire home. By working with women in crisis or the mentally ill “he can turn this thing around to something positive. … He could really help a lot of people,” she said.

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