No solutions just anger

The New York Times profiles one of the tea bag leaders and she seems a little unsure of what needs to be done.

Ms. Carender is less certain when it comes to explaining, for instance, how to cut the deficit without cutting Medicaid and Medicare.

“Well,” she said, thinking for a long time and then sighing. “Let’s see. Some days I’m very Randian. I feel like there shouldn’t be any of those programs, that it should all be charitable organizations. Sometimes I think, well, maybe it really should be just state, and there should be no federal part in it at all. I bounce around in my solutions to the problem.”

The tea bag movement seems to be filled with people that don’t want to pay taxes but they don’t want to cut services either; in their most ignorant form the tea baggers believe that if we just give enough to the mighty corporations they will take care of the people.
Given that the movement is based on fictional books it is not surprising that they are incredibly unrealistic and really don’t have anything to offer to the discussion but a few racist rants and threats of terrorism.

HAT TIP pandagon

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