What I learned from the Super Bowl

Tim Tebow is really creepy:

Given that the Focus on the Family ad which appeared during the Super Bowl was so bland, vague and disconnected to any actual point (except that tackling your mom in an incredibly Oedipal gesture is totally cool)

And contrary to what many of the anouncers said during the game, New Orleans winning does not make everything all right:

The good news is that the Saints really pulled it out. That was awesome and exhilarating. No, it’s not going to solve New Orleans’ continuing post-Katrina problems, but I think it’s okay to be happy for them. All the shots of people partying in the streets in the Quarter—plus all the jokes about boozing it up, taking it off, and eating Cajun food that dominated the sports news and overall news cycle—probably will end up being good for tourism, which is the sort of thing that will help get them back on their feet.

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2 Responses to What I learned from the Super Bowl

  1. I think John Edwards is creepier. People who find Tebow creepier than Edwards are probably creepier than me …

  2. John Rove says:

    On the creepy continum I think Fondling your mom is higher that having an extramerital affair.

    Tebow seems to have stopped maturing at about thirteen, which I think is really common in kids from evangelical homes, they don’t devolope any coping skills outside of supernatural beliefs; so they tend to get stuck at a young age, especially in Tebow’s case where he has been very sheltered thanks to his athletic ability.

    I am betting in the next few years we see Tebow on intervention when he finally has to deal with adult problems on his own. I doubt he will be able to handle it and will wind up on drugs.

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