Reagan’s America

Tax cuts pay for themselves and if you have seen one Redwood Tree you have seen them all. looks like people are starting to notice Reagan’s magical thinking doesn’t work:

How on earth Will can write a column about the problems in California without even mentioning Proposition 13–the 1978 ballot measure that severely limited local property taxes–is beyond me. Prop 13 has distorted revenue gathering, severely limiting the amounts that localities can pay for schools and other public services, forcing the state to take on an increased burden. In the end, California is a Exhibit A of a public pathology that we’ve inherited from the Reagan Era: the public wants a modified welfare state, excellent schools, a clean environment, low college tuitions…but it’s not willing to pay for them. Over the past 30 years, Republicans fed the delusions that you can have low taxes and world-class public services, and Democrats acquiesced in it. It would be nice if we had an honest national conversation about revenues–and the sun-setting of many of the Bush tax cuts this year provides the perfect arena for it–but don’t count on that taking place.

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