Quick thoughts on health-care

I had hoped to see a public option, in fact the best solution from my perspective would have been to open medicare up to everyone; the network of providers is already there and most people seem to love the service they get. Plus, most doctors seem happy with the reimbursements they get from the program and I have a feeling that the lower reimbursements may cut down on over-treatment.
I think the two things in the health-care bill that will have the greatest effect is the requirement that insurance companies pay eighty-five percent of their revenue out as claims and the expansion of medicaid.
The expansion of medicaid if it helps, will create a situation where low-income indaviduals have better health outcomes than middle-class and upper-class indaviduals who have access to more expensive health-care; making the argument for single-payer hard to refute. It will probably take another twenty or thirty years but hopefully we are at the beginning of the end of for profit medicine.

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