Whats at stake

I got this from TPM:

I finally had to block emails from a couple of my cousins, because they were sending me thinly veiled racist diatribes about the death of America, Muslims, Democrats being the party of the big-city ghettos and the responsibility of poor people for the world economic crisis.
These emails were prompted by the Major Hasan case. It was just too disturbing for me to receive any more of this rubbish.

What is the character profile of a racist? I cannot answer that question in general, but these particular relatives were always controlling, negative people from the time they were little boys. I never did like them.

This is all very sad. I have always supported Obama, I still do, and, for the most part, I trust his instincts. What makes this especially sad is that — alhough I think Obama should have broken up the big banks — I am shocked by the way the Left has abandoned him. I disagree with Joan Walsh, for example, that Obama is a Centrist. That is only a label. I think that Obama is a left-leaning pragmatist, and he figures out a solution to every problem on its merits.

It would be very sad if the left makes the perfect the enemy of the good. At least at this point a grown-up is in charge and the country is moving in the right direction, not as fast as some might like but still in the right direction.

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