I am done with the Eagles

In case you haven’t heard the Eagles signed Michael Vick. I just heard Andy Reid in an interview explaing that he felt the Eagles locker room was strong enough to help Micheal Vick become a batter person, Blay, Blah.
First, he is supposed to be running a football team not a half-way house for felons.
Second, one of the problems the Eagles have faced for the last five years is a lack of discipline. I have watched almost every Eagles game since the year they lost the superbowl, and usually twice a year stupid mistakes will cost them a game and last year they lost to an Arizona team that seemed to have inferior talent. The Eagles do not have a “strong” locker room and they just made it worse.
It is also interesting that Donavan McNabb says he is a very close friend of Micheal Vicks’. If that is true it seems pretty likely that he was present at some of the dog fights, or at least knew about them. Maybe the NFL needs to investigate how many other players were involved in Vick’s dog fighting and gambling ring.
This is a really bad day for the NFL.

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5 Responses to I am done with the Eagles

  1. Vick is pretty bad, but maybe there’s redemption in his future. Everyone’s had a situation where they’d like a second chance. And Tony Dungy seems to be interested in getting him back on track, and I don’t think it has anything to do will his book sales.

    Hope. Change.

  2. John Rove says:

    I get the whole second chance thing, but I think in the case of the Eagles they have made it all about Vick getting a second chance and not about making the team better, at least that is what I took from the Andy Ried interview. He admitted that he hadn’t seen Vick work out and they don’t seem to have any idea how he adds to the team. Plus he is a huge distraction on a team that seems to have leadership issues.
    Vick and the Eagles looks like it is about to become a case study in enabling. When they win the superbowl I will admit I was wrong.
    Was Dungy associated with Vick prior to his arrest?

  3. -Part of the reason Tony Dungy feels obligated to help Michael Vick get his life back on track now, according to Newsday’s Bob Glauber, has to do with the fact that Dungy regrets not making an impact on Vick’s life earlier. The two met in 2005, and hit it off, but Dungy says the two did not stay in touch. If they had, Dungy wonders, maybe he could have helped Vick straighten himself out before the former Falcons quarterback ended up in prison.

    -Vick of course has many detractors, and an anti-Vick web site, sackvick.net, is online now with the stated mission of pressuring corporate sponsors to abandon the Eagles, and to encourage fans to “boycott the NFL or NFL teams that allow Michael Vick or any felon to play.” My question: What do these people expect convicted felons to do once they are out of prison, if they are not allowed to work?

    from http://patsblog.projo.com/2009/08/football-today-95.html

  4. John Rove says:

    Part of the problem is both Dungy and Reid have a history with their own sons of dropping the ball, pun intended. I don’t see either Reid or Dungy as the type of people that should be around a very troubled person. plus, I have doubts about Vicks abilities at this point which makes this seeem like a really bad idea.

  5. Anonymous says:

    It is important to know if Vic received any kind of treatment for his compulsive behavior.

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