Conservatives against GM

You would think that conservatives would love General Motors, the company has been a consistent denier of climate change and they gave us the Hummer, the SUV for men who need to compensate, but no:

“In the effort to reverse this lurch beyond the farthest left fringe of previous Democratic statist urges, individual Americans have a role to play. They have to say no to GM products and services until such time as the denationalization occurs,” says Hugh Hewitt. He acknowledges that this is a serious step that could hurt people currently working for GM: “But there isn’t any alternative, every dollar spent with GM is a dollar spent against free enterprise. Every car or truck purchased from Government Motors is one not purchased from a private car company that competes fairly against all other car companies.”

I am not a big fan of GM but trying to make them go out of business seems a bit mean spirited.

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2 Responses to Conservatives against GM

  1. Republicans don’t know whether they’re coming or going. Reality has thrown a curveball that has smashed most of their religion into a collection of contradictory fragments.

    To say that a dollar spent with GM is a dollar spent against free enterprise is just as stupid as their slogans have been for years.

  2. John Rove says:

    This one definitely seems short sighted especially when Caddilac is a sponsor of Rush Limbaugh, at least they were.

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