Just a thought

Maybe we should start calling Dick Cheney former President Cheney as he is leaving no doubt who was in charge during the “bush” administration.

Update: It also seems that Mr Cheney is trying to make-up for his role in the September 11 attacks, my only question is does he know he screwed-up and is intentionally trying to hide it, or does he really beieve he knew what he was doing. My guess is that he really thinks he did a good job as president, even though the country suffered three thousand casualties n his watch and lost thousands more service-men all thanks to Dick’s negligence. That would be hard for most of us to deal with.

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One Response to Just a thought

  1. Saskboy says:

    I saw the clip on YouTube with Dick, and the Daily Show (Your Dick is Out) and he doesn’t acknowledge the Constitution. Not surprising, that’s his only hope of staying out of jail, if people forget about that supreme law of the land.

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