Bianca…Nobody Named Bianca? Are you Bianca?

The White House set up a press conference, an opportunity for Bush to look ‘Presidential’, and ala Jeff Gannon, there was supposed to be a plant in the press corps to toss a couple softballs. So Dubya opened up by calling on this plant named Bianca, only she hadn’t shown up!

HILLARIOUS! I’m looking for audio or video, stay tuned.


THE PRESIDENT: Bianca. Nobody named Bianca? Well, sorry Bianca’s not here. I’ll be glad to answer her question…

Q Mr. President, could we talk more about —

THE PRESIDENT: Are you Bianca?

Q No, I’m not. Anita — Fox News.


Q Just a quick question —

THE PRESIDENT: Okay. I was looking for Bianca. I’m sorry.


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10 Responses to Bianca…Nobody Named Bianca? Are you Bianca?

  1. karl says:

    I am at the point where I hope some of this stuff is not true. We still are depending on this man to run the country, at this point we really are on our own.

  2. noblindeye says:

    Believe it I heard it on CNN. The main topic of this latest crap was TERRORISTS and how good we’re doing agin ’em and anyone who doesn’t think that is plain wrong. UGH!!!! bianca….?

  3. karl says:

    I bet the daily show will have it tomorrow night. How bad can things get with this guy.

  4. Chris Austin says:

    Oh yes, Katrina proves a vital point about terrorism…because they wish they could take credit for what happened in the southeast. Too bad Pat Robertson already claimed responsibility…ala Joseph Smith, when a problem arises, God speaks directly to him…and it was the lesbians. In fact, the Emmy Awards were the catalysts and their condoning lesbian behavior was the key factor.

    Drawing weak conclusions or future-telling is a right-wing staple. Like…’If John Kerry were in charge after 9/11 he would have baked Bin Laden a cake.’ Rush Limbaugh is the best at this.

    Also in that press conference was a question about Bin Laden…Bush gave a lengthly response, but did not mention the words ‘bin laden’ ONCE!

    I say he’s fallen off the wagon. He’s got plenty of reasons to do so. The fact that he doesn’t ‘believe’ in therapy is comical.

  5. Paul says:

    Bianca was in the rest room. Come on people-oresidents have had plants in press conferences for years and we all know it. God can speak directly to whomever he pleases including lesbians and Left/Liberals. Can’t he ? How about we surrender to these terrorists? Will that satisfy you ? If John Kerry were President I would move to Canada!

  6. Paul says:

    Oops I meant Presidents (typo) .

  7. karl says:

    Another good day for the GOP:

    CHICAGO (Reuters) – HCA Inc.,HCA.N> operator of the largest chain of U.S. hospitals, said it received a subpoena from the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York requiring it to produce documents.

    HCA said it believes the subpoena relates to the sale of HCA stock by Senator William H. Frist, the Republican Majority Leader. The company said it intends to cooperate fully.

    Sometimes I almost wonder if these guys are trying to ruin the GOP, or are they just that stupid?

  8. BartCopFan says:

    The video is here:

    Video Link

    Good for both a laugh and a tear.

  9. Paul says:

    Karl I have a question for you. If the GOP is stupid what does that make the Democrats? Now think about it ! 🙂

  10. karl says:


    Good question!!

    Without a doubt the GOP is better at winning elections, although I would argue that good marketing does not make a good product.

    The modern Democratic party I think is to moderate which led to the rise of the green party. I really have no idea how the dems fix that problem.

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