Collateral damage in the population war

I got this from a militia recruitment web site:

It is the opinion of the Militia that there is a world wide effort on the part of Islam to populate Western nations and, when numbers are sufficient enough, declare Sh’ria law. Islam is not a religion that accomodates other faiths or shares western values concerning freedom of religion. For that reason, we must reciprocate by declining your membership.

The best way to fight this imaginary threat is to try to outbreed the Muslims, who really loses in this war. The rest of us, these people overwelm the welfare system and create huge amounts of pollution with their clans and overwelm public school systems, especially when you consider these are the same people insist on teaching creation myths as science, basicaly dumbing down the rest of the country.

I don’t know how you stop these people from dragging the country down with them but I am starting to see the need for stricter gun laws and perhaps and end to welfare policies that reward people for having big families.

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2 Responses to Collateral damage in the population war

  1. Wait you are worried about overpopulation AND want less guns around? Hmm, my CPU is heating up …

  2. John Rove says:

    Cool your CPU. Until reading some militia sites I was a big fan of guns. In fact I have a concealed carry permit and until I needed money for text books recentely I was a gun owner.

    But, I am starting to think that the para-milatary nuts really shouldn’t be armed.

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