Build a better jeep and they will buy

Looks like Chrysler the parent comapany of Jeep is about to go bankrupt. Which would really suck, Jeeps were cool at one time. Now they are just big SUV’s, like any other big SUV. What happened? It seems that Jeep rather than sticking with their niche of making really good off-road vehicles that were kind of cool to drive around town, ableit somewhat uncomfortably and unreliably, switched to making cars that would appeal to soccer moms. This of course meant that they were competing with Ford and Land Rover and Mercedes etc. etc.

Now the ultimate soccer mom car is of course, the Prius, leaving Jeep with a bunch of unsold vehicles that no body wants. Had they stuck with their original market they would still have a group of hardcore enthusiasts with high brand loyalty. Hopefully Jeep will survive as a company and build a cool small off-road vehicle and leave the mass marketing to another bankrupt cr company.

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2 Responses to Build a better jeep and they will buy

  1. Al Swearengen says:

    I agree – Karl is great at this!

  2. Karl says:

    I am great? THX

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