Gingrich in 2012

You Douche!Douche!We could have drank at the bar we’ve always gone to and spent half the fucking money, but NO…

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2 Responses to Gingrich in 2012

  1. Walter says:

    Wandering if this issue will be a huge problem in 2012 in addition to all the hype about 2012 catastrophic events.

  2. John Rove says:

    I keep thinking we need to lower or energy consumption and then figure out ways to stabilize that consumption. Mostly that comes from increasing efficiency in cars and other machines that use energy, and then stabilizing or even reducing population growth.

    If we could do these things successfully it could become a model for other countries, right now we are sort of like an addict tellng everyone else how they can get get better. Until America deals with our own addiction to energy we are not going to be a leader for anyone.

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