Is it time to let Texas go?

the governor of Texas has been making quite a bit of noise lateley about secceeding.This seems like a no brainer for the rest of the country, we would need some humanitarian safeguards, specifcaly anyone from Aftexistan should be allowed to migrate north and we would have to make sure that they didn’t have nuclear weapons, but other than that it seems like a the best solution to the countries Texas problem.

The country of Aftexistan would also probably absorb a lot of the unproductive citizens from other states, and it would be a good opportunity to see if christian socialism can succeed. Texas, go ahead make my day.

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7 Responses to Is it time to let Texas go?

  1. Hah, no nukes TX? I don’t think so. And our energy costs will probably go up, but at least all those people who will be drawn to those great jobs in Aftexistan will materially raise segment of the retired and elderly population in the other 49 states!

  2. John Rove says:

    “Great jobs” in Aftexistan like what. My guess is that within a few years most the people there will turn to piracy like that other Randian utopia Somalia.

  3. FUCKTEXAS says:

    Let them. They have no military of their own. Their begging the Federal government for assistance with their border with Mexico. Give them 7 months and the Mexican drug cartels will move in there and burn it down. FUCK TEXAS. They produce nothing but arrogant retarded presidents who have absolutely nothing positive to share with the rest of the country. So go cry and bitch Texas that you don’t get what you want, your useless and you’ll fall like the Alamo bitches!

  4. They’ve got some great cities…it should at least be put up to a vote. I’d imagine the people in Texas would rather not do this. If they did vote for it…imagine that!

  5. John Rove says:

    I saw a poll that about eighteen-percent of Texans favor seceeding. The good thing about this conversation is that Perry is being held accountable for his silly right-wing rhetoric.

    I wonder if their is a poll on how many people in other states want Texas to secceed.

    My guess is after the week the right-wing has had they will be a little more careful about espousing traitorous ideas like secession and maybe they will keep their tea bagging habits out of public view.

  6. fuckyou says:

    its douches like you
    that think they can speak
    for everyone
    I am a texan & I don’t believe we should secede
    rick perry is a crock full of shit
    so stick that in your juice box & suck it.

  7. John Rove says:

    Rick Perry is an elected official who presumably speaks for the state of Texas. Seems like we should take him seriously.
    I am not the douch saying Texas should secceed. I am just saying it wouldn’t be that big of loss.

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