Loving It!

More Tea Party video

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6 Responses to Loving It!

  1. John Rove says:

    I was listening to a local right wing radio show this morning, the host is named Peter Boyles, someone called in and kept congradulating him on being a “teabagger” one of the lines was something about “it is great that you are sinking your teeth into this issue”

    It was so funny I almost wrecked my car. It is great that these tea baggers have come out of the closet.

  2. William Jacobson has some food for thought:

    Liberals love to quote Sinclair Lewis’ line that “when fascism comes to America, it will be draped in the flag and carrying a cross.” Lewis was wrong. We have had the flag and Christianity for over 200 years, but we have not had fascism.

    To the contrary, when fascism comes to America, it will look something like the reaction to the Tea Parties. I do not mean the lunatic rants of the netroots. That’s fine. Mockery, hyperbole, and distortion are not the exclusive province of any one political party or ideology. I also do not mean counter-protests. That is fine too.

    Fascism is not the exercise of free speech, even offensive free speech. Rather, it is the attempt to silence others through subversion and physical disruption. Think brown shirts in pre-war Germany, and anarchists at almost any world economic meeting. And that is what the Tea Party Crasher phenomenon is all about.

  3. John Rove says:

    I don’t think you have to crash the tea parties to make those people look crazy they do a great job on their own.

    The fact is the tea baggers are pretty amusing, the GOP really needs to think their astro-turf movement through better.

  4. John Rove says:

    Hey mr Bettor:

    I don’t see how the broken window fallacy applies to anything, it assumes people want to have their windows broken. Throughout life we all have to spend money on things that we don’t want really want to buy, and those expenses help other businesses. In the case of a broken window you would need to fix it or risk devalueing your house or business.

    Should we discourage people from breaking windows? Yes. But we should also fix them when they occur.

    Right now the economy thanks to Bush and his fellow conservatives is broke unfortunately we have to fix it. Just like Clinton had to fix the economy after the Reagan/Bush dabacle in the eighties. No one wants to pay taxes but the alternative is a broken down country. In the future hopefully people wont elect conservatives and the we wont have to raise taxes to pay for all their idiocy. At this point the children broke the windows so we are stuck fixing them.

  5. I think you missed the fallacy of which I was speaking, and are attacking a strawman instead. Brad Delong would be really proud of you, I’m sure.

  6. John Rove says:

    I got the fallacy of broken windows from wikipedia. If you want to leave a definition or example I will try to see the error of my ways.

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