Jindahl does the impossible

I watched a little bit of the the republican response to the presidents speech and came away amazed. I didn’t think anyone could make Sarah Palin seem smart but in comparison to Bobby Jindahl Palin is a rocket scientist.

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6 Responses to Jindahl does the impossible

  1. He is brilliant. But most voters might not get past the packaging …

  2. John Rove says:

    Jindahl beleives in excorcisms, if anything I would say the only thing he has going for him is that he looks relatively normal.

  3. Jim says:

    The sad thing is, he’s pretty sharp. But the Republican party long ago decided that folksy, dumb with a heavy spoonful of faux populism is the way to woo the electorate.

    Telling, then, that their sole regional constituency is the southeast.

  4. John Rove says:

    So many conservative policies are complete failures and you have to wonder about the intelligence of anyone who goes along with teaching abstinence only and creation in schools. If Jindahl is smart he sure does a good job of not only hiding it but trying to make sure other people are just as ignorant and supersticious as he is.

  5. JR, if you are going to take Jindal down, you should at least spell check your polemics!

  6. John Rove says:

    I may not be much smarter than Jindahl but no one is asking me to run for president either. 🙂

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