Clinton’s first WTF moment

Every time I start to think Hillary Clinton has good judgment something like this comes out of her mouth.

Amnesty International and a pro-Tibet group voiced shock Friday after US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton vowed not to let human rights concerns hinder cooperation with China.

Paying her first visit to Asia as the top US diplomat, Clinton said the United States would continue to press China on long-standing US concerns over human rights such as its rule over Tibet.

“But our pressing on those issues can’t interfere on the global economic crisis, the global climate change crisis and the security crisis,” Clinton told reporters in Seoul just before leaving for Beijing.

While we need to work with China many issues it sounds like Clinton is taking human rights off the table. Hopefully at some point Clinton will be replaced by someone like Samantha Power who understands and cares about human rights, the sooner the better.

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3 Responses to Clinton’s first WTF moment

  1. Well, if Power can say that Hillary is a monster, then maybe she is a better choice than Hillary. Power’s husband is very intelligent.

  2. John Rove says:

    I think part of the reason Power called Hillary a monster was that the Clinton’s ignored the situation in Rhwanda during the early nineties. In some ways Clinton is doing the same thing with China now.

    I am starting to think H Clinton is a little Cheneyesque when it comes to compassion.

  3. Dan D. says:

    The economy is an important issue and there is much pressure to work together to get it back on track, but it is more pressing than human rights?

    Are we trampling our principles in order to get the economy back on track? If we back down on the importance of human rights for the expediency building the economy,what does that say about our priorities and the cost of human suffering?

    Dan Decker

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