Maybe we need to re-think Marijuana.

Looks like Micheal Phelps might be a stoner. Instead of pretending the Marijuana ruins lives, maybe it is time to legalize it and use all the extra jail space for health clinics or schools or just museums to show how stupid the war on drugs really is.

My prop bet for the super-bowl is that Kurt Warner says something freaky weird at the end of the game win or lose.

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3 Responses to Maybe we need to re-think Marijuana.

  1. Good call w/ Warner – – – It should be a lot easier than it is to post pictures. I’ve got to work on this…

  2. John Rove says:

    That last before half-time was amazing. I thought Harris was gonna have a heart attack

  3. John Rove says:

    My bad. Guys name was Harrison.

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