She’s baaak

The “cool mom” strikes again:

She slammed reports that 18-year-old Bristol Palin and the teen’s fiance are high school dropouts. The governor insists the two are not dropouts because they enrolled in correspondence courses.

The couple last month had a son — the governor’s first grandchild.

The governor said she is speaking out to set the record straight, not because of any political aspirations.

“It’s all about the family,” she said. “I’m wired in a way that I can take the criticism. I can take the shots. But any mother would want to protect their children from lies and scandalous reporting.”

Someone needs to explain to granny Palin that if you are going to hold yourself and your family up as an example of “christian values” people are going to ask you what those values lead too. In the case of the Palin clan it has led to teenage pregnancy and dropping out of high school. Levi Johnson is lucky in that his babys mommas momma is the governor so even as a high school drop-out he can still find a job thanks to her connections. Most teenage dads who drop out of high school are not so lucky.
I hope that Sarah Palin stays the frontrunner for the GOP nomination in 2012, as long as she is out there as an example of “conservative success” I think most people will understand why conservatism is a complete failure.

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2 Responses to She’s baaak

  1. That’s show business

  2. John Rove says:

    Republicans have decided that behaving like you are on a reality show is the best way to get backin power. I wonder how it will work out in 2010?
    Although the 2010 elections may be more depindant on how Obama does in the next year than anything the Republicans do between now and then.

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