Krugman attacking from the high ground

“So Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’Reilly, and Karl Rove all claim that the financial crisis was a liberal conspiracy, generated either by evil mastermind Chuck Schumer or by wily journalists.

Why does such stuff flourish? Probably because there is no punishment for it — as long as you’re on the right, and I mean right, side. Let Michael Moore point out, entirely correctly, the close ties between the Saudis and the Bush family, and he’s blasted as a crazy conspiracy theorist. On the other hand, let Donald Luskin suggest, in 2004, that George Soros is planning to engineer a financial crisis to defeat Bush, and he gets to publish front-page articles in the Washington Post Outlook section declaring that there isn’t a recession.” – Nobel-muckedymuck Paul Krugman

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3 Responses to Krugman attacking from the high ground

  1. John Rove says:

    The right wing is really good at getting a message and sticking to it, even when they are wrong(which is all the time) they say the same thing over and over so it sounds like their is mass agreement with whatever BS they come up with.

    Especailly with complex issues it is tough to explain them and liberals seem to get bogged down in details and facts while conservatives seem to be unecumbered by facts, probably because they make them up.

  2. This one is too real for their lies. Chicago-school economics was their cover for my entire life, and those theories have put us where we are today.

    I hope this noise gets louder and louder, because it’s ridiculous enough – along the lines of “George W. Bush knows what he’s doing” – to convince young minds to turn away in droves. This isn’t the 1990s, and the right-wing hasn’t yet recognized that history is in the driver’s seat for the next 10+ years. The further they push nonsense like this, the better.

    Christopher Columbus committed genocide…and when young people first realize that, it changes their perception of American life forever. It’s like finding out that Santa Claus isn’t real.

    This is one of those times, and NOBODY can talk their way out of it.

  3. John Rove says:

    Santa isn’t real?

    It would be great if liberals were as powerful as conservatives think they are. Sort of like the whole Bill Clinton had magic political powers, he was just a guy who happened to be right most of the time.

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