“Popular Culture” Sucks So So So Much!

The Patriots pregame…Freddy Prince Jr. announcing Ozzy Osbourne, who’s lip synching ‘Crazy Train’ inside the helmet the team runs out of. While Robert Kraft gives the most jinx-ridden speech I’ve ever heard in his life, citing the home winning streak.

I’m a sports fan from New England…so it’s in my nature to expect the worst.

But the season is FINALLY here! I don’t pick Pats games vs. the spread, so my picks will be coming on Friday or Saturday. I hope some of you participate…American popular culture is the lamest thing Earth has going for it in 2005!

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15 Responses to “Popular Culture” Sucks So So So Much!

  1. rupee says:

    Holy crap! Couldn’t have said it better myself. What the (obcenity deleted) happened to creativity?! Did it die sometime in the late 80’s to mid-90’s!? Do musicians actually write their own songs anymore?! What happened to good television programming?!! Reality tv..is not reality…but just something worst than a William Shatner song recital t.v. special. It’s so freaking disheartning.

    I mean INXS is trying to find a lead singer…through a reality show…what a (obcenity deleted) joke! Great way to burn away any vestiges of ones old fans, to replace them with the autonomatons who call themselves “angst ridden youth” but are far from it.

    There are soooooo many examples that support what you just wrote, that it just make me want to hurl.


  2. How does crap like this get popular in the first place? Is there a poll where people say they like or dislike something or is it just popular because many people see it?

    Take Ashlee Simpson, is she popular or just well known? Pol Pot was popular along this reasoning. I feel the same about Pol Pot as I do about Simpson.

    I’m for the football but don’t have the stats down.

  3. karl says:

    I don’t get J lo

  4. Chris Austin says:

    Thanks for posting rupee! (Had to delete the swears).

    Ozzy Osbourne is a carnival friek – as is Jessica Simpson. Imagine if Ozzy spoke coherently or Simpson wore baggy sweaters…we’d never hear about them. Tallent went out in the 80s.

    Yesterday there was this girl on the Maury Povich show who had a brutally deformed face from an accident. Maury surprised her with a performance by hip-hop singer ‘Tweet’…colored lights, who the hell is Tweet, and the little girl is dancing. I think, ‘this guy has been running his show like a carnival for years now’…and I probably lost two weeks of my life for laughing at it. Punnishment is on the way I’m sure.

    Ned’s Atomic Dustbin said ‘Kill Your Television’…

  5. Chris Austin says:

    karl says:
    I don’t get J lo

    The Jennifer Lopez episode of South Park is on right now…

  6. karl says:

    I still have nightmares from the scene where Cartman wakes up with Ben Aflec.

  7. Taco-flavored kisses. Damn, that was funny. Chef’s chocolate salty balls was the previous episode.

  8. karl says:

    My favorite episode of South Park is Tennerman Must die, when Cartman feeds the kid his parents.

    The tolerance camp one is pretty good.

  9. Chris Austin says:

    I think about what episode I love the most and can’t single out one…I’m a big fan of Cripple Fight, Child Tracker, Weapons…probably the prowar/antiwar is the one I like the most.

  10. karl says:

    Maybe that is how you can tell if you are a moderate, if you can watch every episode of South Park and not be offended. Those guys are very good at making fun of the extremes, and pointing out the contradictions.

    I hope that this season has a Natalee Holloway episode.

  11. Chris Austin says:

    They have to have a ‘Great White Hype’ episode…I’m expecting a hurricane episode as well. Something where the town gets demolished and the next episode it’s like nothing ever happened. I equate ‘Cripple Fight’ with watching an episode of Maury Povich where he’s got the deformed folk or an episode of Being Bobby Brown.

  12. It is a well balanced show, hitting both sides equally although Team America had a definite conservative bend.

    It goes to show that everthing isn’t black and white.

  13. karl says:

    I need to rent team America one of these days.

  14. Have you seen it yet? Damn funny.

  15. karl says:

    Definitely going to check it out

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