Howard Dean resigns

I am a little surprised by this. Howard Dean probably did more to get Democrats back in power than almsot anyone I can think of. I hope he gets a good position in the Obama administration he has certanly earned and will probably do a great job where ever he winds up.

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2 Responses to Howard Dean resigns

  1. He and Obama’s new chief of staff don’t exactly see eye to eye on a lot of things.

  2. John Rove says:

    Rahm Emanuel would not have been my first choice for chief of staff. The Democrats would probably still be the minority part if Emanuel had his way. Although he is supposed to know how to get things done in Washington. And at this point Obamas judgement has been right on almost everything.

    I was reading that Bill Clinton is making calls on Liebermans behalf to help him stay as chair of the homeland security comittee. Bill seems like a bigger idiot every day Lieberman is a cancer that needs to be removed from Washington and nuetering his ability to send pork home will hasten his demise.

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