The new front in the culture war

The passage of Amendment 8, which outlawed gay marriage in California, seems to have ignited a new culture war. With Obama in the the whitehouse abortion and reproductive rights should be safe for at least 20 years assuming he makes good choices for the supreme court. It looks like culture warriors are moving on to gay marriage.

Maybe it is that I have no interest in getting married but arguing about who can be a Bridezilla seems like a huge waste of time and resources that could be spent working on real problems. The solution may be for the states to get out of the business of approving marriage all together. I know certain other laws, like tax and inheritence apply to married people, but it would be easy to say that those laws apply to anyone who was married in any church. This lets marriage stay a religous thing while also letting gays and lesbians marry. At the same time the state is not in the middle of what should be a dispute between churches as to who they want to marry and who they don’t want to marry.

I doubt anyone involved will try to solve this skirmish in the culture war in a mutually beneficial manner. It seems like both sides in this dispute are trying to legislate acceptance of their view, which isn’t going to work for either side.

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