Obama doesn’t talk about McCain

Looks like other people have also noticed. McCain’s entire campaign is based on Obama and Obama’s campaign is based on Obama as well. Conservatism has always been an antidote to liberalism the McCain campaign took it to an extreme when they offered no original ideas and just bashed the “evil liberals”.

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4 Responses to Obama doesn’t talk about McCain

  1. Wall to wall anti-Obama talk is what I hear when dialing up right-wing media of any sort. It’s depressing to think about how this is all they’ve had to do in the past to win, and that it might be all they have to do in this election as well.

    The advantages that Obama has when it comes to new voters and hispanics (both over 65% for Obama), combined with the added attention being paid to our voting system should be enough to put him over the top, but I’ve been fearful every day that the same thing could somehow happen once more.

    Hence my distance over the past few months as my #1 candidate since 2004 is so close now I can almost taste it. Obama has been through it all at this point.

  2. John Rove says:

    I keep worrying that the right wing will some how pull this out of their ass and we will get stuck with president Palin as you know she will do something to get rid of McCain.
    Whoknows maybe she will hop in bed with him in hopes of causing a heart attack

  3. I thought the Obama win was a done deal, and still do. But it really surprised me when several Dem operators were telling me that they were really investing in Pennsylvania, which has pulled blue since ’92.

    If McCain takes PA and OH, then this will be close.

    I figured with the VA and NC numbers, Barack was easy like Sunday morning.

  4. John Rove says:

    I think people are a little concerned about PA becuase of the primary and what Carville said, something to the effect that PA is Philly and Pittsburg with Alabama in between.

    I look for Obama to take Florida and maybe lose Ohio and be closer than the polls indicate in PA

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