Mock Portfolio A – 9/1/05 Update

Total for the week so far is a gain of 1.11% – $799.50

OK – It’s been three full business days and the portfolio is looking good. PRLAX, the Price Latin America Fund is the biggest earner, up 3.35% – PRU, Prudential is up 2.32% – and Apple (APPL), Altria (MO) and Franklin Utilities A (FKUTX) have all gone up over 1% this week. Only two losers, our Fidelity China Fund (FHKCX) and Price North Asia Fund (PRASX) down 1.14% and .52% respectively.

1. PRU-Prudential – 125 shares – +2.32%, $186.25
2. MO-Altria – 125 shares – +1.25%, 108.75
3. AAPL-Apple – 200 shares – +1.31%, $120.00
4. FKINX-Franklin Income A-3750 shares – +.80%, $55.00
5. FWRLX-Fidelity Select Wireless-500 – +1.68%, $55.00
6. PRLAX-T.Rowe Price Latin Am-300 – +3.35%, $204.00
7. PRASX-T.Rowe Price N. Asia-500 – (.52%), ($30.00)
8. FKUTX-Franklin CustodianFDUtilities-700 – +1.31%, $112.00
9. FHKCX-Fidelity China Region-400 – (1.14%), ($84.00)
10. SSEMX-StateStGlobalAdvEmergMkts-350 – +.87%, $52.50

Total Value = $73, 134.75 as of noon today

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