Last nights debate

McCain may be just smart enough to offend republicans, for example in last nights debate when he said “womens health can mean anything” or something to that effect. That is the logical conclusion of most anti-abortion rhetoric, but it is not something the anti-abortion crowd likes to talk about and most people who vote republican don’t want to think about the idea that they are depriving women of the right to make their own health care decisions if they outlaw abortion. McCain on the other hand seems to understand the implications he just doesn’t care.

Like with foreign policy, McCain understands that our current neo-con policies will require the US to have a troop presence in almost every country for hundreds of years, and he seems to think that is a good idea. Bush may have thought it was a good idea as well but, he acted like it wasn’t.

I guess in an odd way I am giving McCain a compliment, he is the first republican candidate to be honest about the implications of republican policies and in the end it will probably cost him the election. Apparentely they need to package the bad ideas in a cutesy form with no explanation as to what will happen if implemented. Look for Palin/Jindahl in 2012

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