Season Premier of the Terminator

I finally got a chance to watch the season premier of the Terminator on fox. Why is it Fox news sucks so bad but their series are head and shoulders above the other networks.

Anyway, it looks like the Terminators are finding religion, and the sole reason that Cameron does not go bad is that she is an atheist. At least that is what I take from the scene in the church where she says the jesus thing is not part of her wiring. This was part of the theme in Battle Star Galactica as well, where the Cylons were also religious. I wonder if the moral of these machine versus human shows is that machines are fine until you give them a irrational propasition like religion and then they destroy man kind because no one can live up to the standards set by religion.

Whatever you take from the show the season premier was awesome.

BTW if you liked “6” in Battle star Galactica the actress who played her has a recurring role in Burn Notice. Yeah, I watch too much TV.

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4 Responses to Season Premier of the Terminator

  1. So I need to check this out, huh?

    Is this the second season?

  2. John Rove says:

    Yeah. It is starting the second season. Watch the first season and see what you think. I finally got season 5 of the Wire. Wound up pretty much watching it in one sitting. Saddest charactor had to be doocky. Can’t believe how Omar died and they need to make a show around Micheal.
    The reporters kind of remind me of a few jobs I have had where the people who cheat seem to be protected by management.

  3. John Rove says:

    Sorry to geek up the place talking about sci fi shows. I also highly recomend sons of anarchy

  4. Geek up the place?!?!? Did you notice the Iron Sheik video?

    Dude, let it fly…I dig it.

    I’m still torn up about how they killed Omar…that scene right before it happened was sick…”fou, five, six, seven…yea, Omar know which one it is”…when he racks the shotgun that one last time, the scene sticks in my mind. That one and other one where he lights the tank of that SUV and talks to the one he left alive.

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