McCain’s Palin problem

Sarah Palin for whatever reason seams very popular with republican base, in fact she seems much more popular than John McCain. How long before McCain starts trying to remind people he is running for president and Palin is just along for the ride. Or when do people start asking McCain if he agrees with his running mate regarding abortion or which books to ban. Of course to answer that, Palin would have to say where she stands on the issues and right now she is not talking to the press.
At some point McCain will have to state what his positions are and at that time he will either lose Palin’s base or lose every moderate.
Another posibility is that Palin supporters vote for McCain hoping he dies and their girl becomes president and starts the world towards the end of days they all dream of. One thing is for sure if McCain wins he better hire a food taster.

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One Response to McCain’s Palin problem

  1. Matthew Anger says:

    John McCain, to the chagrin of his party, threw a gutterball when he selected that ridiculous creature from Alaska as his running mate. The Senator from Arizona who – for better or worse – can’t tell a Baptist from a snake-handler, doesn’t know what he has on his hands. Mayor Palin belongs to the “Dominionist” movement, a cult whose “support” for Israel is highly suspect (the Jews must be gathered in Israel for the Coming of Christ, who will then “perfect” them as Christians). We’d likewise be interested in her position vis-a-vis the infamous 13th forgery known as “Revelation 2:9.” McCain’s obvious ignorance of these matters has alienated a sizable portion of both the Orthodox and Reform Jewish communities. He had a clear opportunity to nominate the young congressman from Richmond, Eric Cantor, but chose instead to align himself with the sketchy Governor from Alaska, a lady who once tried to ban the teen classic “I Capture the Castle” from her local library. McCain’s choice wasn’t simply an insult to Jews, but to thoughtful Gentiles as well. Let’s hope that he realizes his error before it’s too late.

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