As the Palin turns part 2

The National Enquirer is looking into the sex life of governor Palin.

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6 Responses to As the Palin turns part 2

  1. John Rove says:

    Sarah Palin is becoming a Brittany Spears like sideshow, I guess it is not surprising that the party without ideas would give us this years sideshow freak.

  2. Well the Enquirer seems to be the only outlet to let us know the truth about Edwards. Facts are our friends.

  3. Speaking of the media …

    Yes, friends Sarah Palin “cut funds” for pregnant Alaskan teenagers according to the Washington Post’s Paul Kane. He even has pictures:

    Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, the Republican vice-presidential nominee who revealed Monday that her 17-year-old daughter is pregnant, earlier this year used her line-item veto to slash funding for a state program benefiting teen mothers in need of a place to live.

    But as Allahpundit at Hot Air points out, only in liberal land is “expanding a program by $3.9 million instead of $5 million count[ed] as cutting funds”

    He also points us to two bloggers who’ve debunked the entire WaPo story. As it turns out, the funds were for an expansion of Covenant House, and she took the funds down from 5 million to 3.9 million. The previous year Covenant House had received 1.2 million in government grants. The 3.9 million, three times the previous year’s total, was budgeted to expand the outreach to pregnant teenagers.

    Quite a “cut” wouldn’t you say?

    Whether or not you agree with government doing such things (I don’t), the point here is the WaPo article was a blatant untruth brought about by “gotchya” journalism which only concerns itself with being the first out there with a “story”, not whether the story is factually true or correct.

    Another recent – very recent – example is the Alaskan Independent Party story and the charge that Palin had been a member. Guess who led with it? No great surprise – The New York Times (that’s after it ran 3 days worth of above the fold stories about Sarah Palin’s 17 year old daughter).

    Guess who just has had to retract the story?

    Keep it up, media, please, keep it up.

    UPDATE: Mark Steyn goes off on the media as only he can do:

    I would like to thank the US media for doing such a grand job this last week of lowering expectations by portraying Governor Palin – whoops, I mean Hick-Burg Mayor Palin – as a hillbilly know-nothing permapregnant ditz, half of whose 27 kids are the spawn of a stump-toothed uncle who hasn’t worked since he was an extra in Deliverance.

    How’s that narrative holding up, geniuses? Almost as good as your “devoted husband John Edwards” routine?

    I trust even now Maureen Dowd is working on a hilarious new column mocking proposed names for the Governor’s first grandchild. Perhaps Richard Cohen can just take the week off and they can rerun his insightful analysis comparing the Palin nomination to Caligula making his horse a consul. Whereas we sophisticates all know that if McCain were as smart as Obama he’d have nominated a dead horse to be his consul. No wait…

  4. John Rove says:

    When it comes to sleaze the enquirer is pretty good at it. With Edwards you have to wonder what he was thinking, first, she wasn’t that hot ans second he had to know he would get caught if he ran for president. Of course you can say the sam thing about Bill. I wonder if we will be saying the same thing about Palin soon.
    With Palin I think it is only a matter of time before someone starts asking about her childrens paternity. I saw a study once that found a really high percentage of kids had a different father than who they thought it was. I can’t remember the exact percentage but it was ten or twenty percent.

  5. The supermarket tabloid also deals with the pregnancy of Palin’s 17-year-old daughter, Bristol, which the governor acknowledged Monday. The tabloid quotes an insider as saying that the governor wanted to announce that Bristol was expecting and had set a wedding date before McCain went public with his vice-presidential choice. But, the story says, the baby’s father, high school student Levi Johnston, balked at the plan.

    Is this true? The boy doesn’t want to get married?

    After they scooped Edwards’ affair, I’m not doubting the Enquirer. I read that they’d sent that same team up to Alaska…this is a ticking time bomb right here, and the campaign knows it.

  6. John Rove says:

    I don’t blame the father-to-be, I wouldn’t want to be part of that family.

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