McCain throws up a hail mary

McCain picks the governor of Alasks, Sarah Palin as his running mate.   She is a 44 year-old mother of five, including an infant daughter with Downs syndrome, she is going to be very hard to attack and she will probably get a lot of the soccer mom vote.

As much as this pains me to say, McCain or more likely Karl Rove made a very good pick.


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16 Responses to McCain throws up a hail mary

  1. JC says:

    One thing I can say as a mom, is that the Obama/Biden convention sent me a clear message: that the Obamas and Bidens are committed to a better future for their children and grandchildren.

    I can not stretch my imagination far enough to see a President Sarah Palin, and especially, I don’t see her as Commander-in-Chief material. McCain is quite old, and has had health problems.

    I think this choice shows poor judgment on his part, though I’m sure the pro-lifers are thrilled he didn’t pick Lieberman, and some of Hillary’s voters may warm to McCain because of this pick.

    I’d think white males would run away from this ticket, and plenty of moms, too.

  2. John Rove says:

    I have a friend who is really conservative and he is pissed off about the Palin choice. He kept saying “I don’t want a soccer mom president”. I may have misunderestimated the power of misogany in the republican party, and the need for white males to feel that they are superior to all females.

  3. I can’t imagine a Hillary follower to be wooed by Palin, a pro-ANWR drilling pro-lifer.

    She will woo pro-family voters out, though. Both she and her husband are union, oldest shipping out to Iraq, youngest a special needs child.

    She has more executive experience than McCain, Obama, and Biden combined. If Biden doesn’t whip her in their debate, especially on foreign policy, McCain’s gambit could work.

    But if JC & JR are right, then we won’t have to worry about that scenario.

  4. John Rove says:

    I was listening to a little right wing radio and it seems that the choice was ill timed. The right wing noise machine seems like they would have been better off bashing Obama’s speech last night than trying to talk about Palin.

    The other problem with Palin is that most conservatives for national office hide some of their conservative ideas, like Bush running as a moderate, Palin seems like a loud and proud social conservative.

    Also, she might be vulnerable in that Alaska is probably the best example their is of a socialist state, I think everyone in the state gets money from the government.

    It would be hard to duplicate the Alaskan economy throughout the US but I guess we could do it be nationalizing the oil companies and giving every man women and child a share of the profits. I am not really into communism but maybe Palin can convince me and a few other voters that we should emulate Venesuela like they do in Alaska.

  5. Those right-wing microPHONEYS (yea, that’s right) are just waiting for their instructions. By ‘Meet the Hacks’ time on Sunday, they’ll know what the words are, and then we’ll hear them for a few months…over and over again.

    So let me see how many of these primitive vote-counting computers they put up for black folk to use in their neighborhoods before deciding this race.

    And Rove…the CIA is definitely paying attention to this blog…they’ve got better things to do, but they can’t stay away…half of the secret service is in Colorado already…while that’s going on – if I were you – I’d buy the biggest & best freezer you can find, and then steal every last thing in the fridges of your neighbors while they’re at work or tied up or dead…

    Don’t like how that sounds?

    Then you really did it…you did it, you passed the test. You’re one of us now.

    And we steal our neighbors’ food, purity and whatever else they leave laying around as a team.

  6. John Rove says:

    I am always trying to steal beer out of my neighbors fridge, that is about all they have.

  7. John Rove says:

    One of Olbermans guests tonight said “Republicans may get a quick buzz from the Palin pick but they will have a long hangover”

    I think visually it is hard for McCain to stand by her without looking like a lecherous old man. Also, I still think that Palin’s extreme views on abortion, she thinks abortion should be illegal even in cases of rape and incest, exposes the republican party for the extremist they are. McCain was under pressure to pick a anti-abortion running mate and he seems to have gotten himself a female version of Mike Huckabee, without Huckabees charm.

  8. OK, that Palin-as-Huckabee was genius. I am so turned off now. Nice, JR!

  9. John Rove says:

    I hear palin is an avid hunter, maybe Palin and Huckabee can compare squirrel recipes.

  10. Hate to say it…but after browsing some pictures of her, I’m starting to think that she’s someone a lot of men in the key demographic would love to get behind.

    The jokes will come back to haunt us though…as this is a pure “flip the script” moment, which will potentially turn a guy like Rush Limbaugh, who a week ago was blabbering about how John Edwards’ wife was to blame for his affair…he wonders whether she talked too much, too often…didn’t know her place. Now he’ll be pulling sound cuts of democrats criticizing Palin, and bemoan the vile chauvenistic streak that runs through the veins of blue america…”liberals are a lot like the Taliban in that way…they couldn’t stand the idea of a woman as their candidate, and the truth is now starting to ooze out, as…”

    Can’t you hear it now?

    I for one don’t know a damned thing about her…but if she’s pro-life and wants the 10 commandments tattooed on everyone’s foreheads, it won’t take long for my liberal rage to kick in.

  11. John Rove says:

    Politcaly she seems like a smart pick, almost anyone who critisized Hillary was at some point accused of being sexist and the same thing might work for Palin.
    I think the best way to critisize her is to focus on how extreme her views are on social issues.
    Especially abortion in the cases of rape and incest, the way wing nuts are trying to define abortion any form of birth control can be considered abortion and we don’t need everyone barefoot and pregnant all bthe time as Sarah Palin would like.

    Palin could be a teaching moment to show America how scary the religous right really is.

  12. I’m thinking the world is a bit too hostile and dangerous…

    If you don’t understand how the DC system works in the first place, then how long is that learning curve? McCain is going to be getting worse in the head incrementally from now until he’s dead, and w/ his temper thrown into the mix, the chances of her having to take over are a lot higher than with Clinton or Bush.

    Bonehead pick…the more I think about it, the more it seems like a sign of panic.

  13. John Rove says:

    The Palin pick does seem like someone in the McCain camp pushed the panic button. The strange part is that it seemed like McCain was getting some results with many of his attacks on Obama and now he is going to spend at least a week or two explaining why a small town mayor under investigation for abuse of power, would make a good president.

    Given McCains age a Sarah Palin presidency is somewhat likely.

    The other thing is that McCains VP pick had to be someone the religous right was comfortable with and their are not that many people who both satisfy the religous right and don’t scare the rest of us. Imagine if he had picked everyones favorite excorcist Bobby Jindahl, or everyones favorite closet case Rick Santorum.

  14. Do you guys remember the publicist in that old Adam Ant “Goody Two Shoes”? No, me either.

  15. John Rove says:

    Maybe McCain is desperate but not serious

  16. S. R. says:

    Yep, the sexy librarian (my girlfriend’s term, not mine)

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